Au revoir 2008....Bienvenue a 2009!

I was thinking to do a list of 'achievements' and 'success stories' from 2008 last night...just to wrap up the last day of 2008. After much procrastination and delay, I'd finally forgotten about it and ended up doing something else through the new year countdown! about resolutions....
No plans to bore readers (AND myself alike!) with a long list of 2008's said and done. If anybody should ask me about the things/stuffs that I'm proud of in 2008, I'd probably list these few but significant ones:
(1) The month of April saw both my wife and I being blessed with a healthy young 'hero'. Can't thank the Almighty enough for His gift! DEFINITELY top spot in my list!!!!
(2) Earlier in the year I was crazy enough to quit my job at my previous workplace (a local bank) and I thank God once again for his divine intervention as I am now attached to a multi-national firm that gives me a chance to showcase my true capabilities as an employee!
(3) Continuing from no (2) above, I've also managed to reach the salary mark which I've always dreamt off when I started working years ago. This personal benchmark would not have been possible had I not been 'motivated' enough to do so by certain turn of events at my previous workplace.
(4) Geeky dream come true!: Managed to get 'the' most hyped-up 1/6th figure of the year; the Bank Robber-Joker figure! After much thinking and deliberations, I finally decided to get my hands on this one so I won't regret NOT buying it later!
(5) Managed to persevere in maintaining this humble blog of mine by writing new entries every now and then! Heheh, only but a few knew that I actually had this blog up-and-running previously but yours truly was too lazy to maintain it, hence it was deleted sometime back. Now it's back, revamped and rebooted......
As for new year resolutions, I think my main priority is to become a better person in general....the ideal son, husband, daddy, brother, friend etc.
That's all from's to 2009! Over and out....
