Hot Toys' Nurse Joker....(What the...?!)

Hey, just wanna share something interesting that I'm sure most fanboys/collectors are aware of (due to the repetitive visits to Hot Toys' website!). We've got the normal edition (purple-suit) Joker and then we were astonished by the almost life-like Bank Robber Joker. Now check out this statement taken off HT's webpage:
"This year's defining moment was when Heath Ledger received a posthumous award as best supporting actor for his brilliant performance in "The Dark Knight". Hot Toys fans are lucky enough to have their The Joker figurines as a best memory of this talented actor. If you are regretting to miss both versions, you may still pray for one more... "
Now, what exactly do these people mean by "....for one more...."? Is it implicitly suggesting that they are contemplating yet another version of The Joker? Whatever it may mean, HT is definitely milking more profits from those who already have the previous two versions. What accessories that it may come with? Nurse uniform and the red-haired wig? Endless possibilities.....
On the other hand, this may pose as a good news for those who hadn't the chance to own neither of the previous versions....:p
