I couldn't afford Hot Toys' version a while back. I passed on Bandai's version as well due to its difference in scale (The Batman figure had some funny neck brace too!)....so when this first came out late last year (in 2008), I got my cousin-in-law to hunt one for me in the States. Received this through the mail, and DARE I say it......till anybody stake their claim, I think I'm the only collector in Malaysia that currently has this!!!! :p
This is one sweet piece of Bat-vehicle which I think deserves a place in any Bat-fans' collection, what more if you missed both HT's and Bandai's version before! I know particularly of a fellow Malaysian collector who happens to collect every single piece of Bat-memorabilia known to mankind! Heheh....
I'm not good in doing reviews on toys (too much to say about articulations, paintjobs, durability, texture etc. etc.) so I won't even try...heheh! . Anyway, just enjoy the pics.....they speak better! :p

Dash>>> Not at all my friend!! :D
U bought it la...
aku tgh cari la tapi x jumpa. mana ko beli bro????
razman >>> I got this thru my cousin in the US, TARGET exclusive, so I don't think we'll be seeing this on our shores anytime soon.
Adrian >>> Agreed bro! Darn hard to snap his fingers on the pod's handlebar!!!