The 10 Most Confusing Things in 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'

When I first came across this on Yahoo's homepage, I couldn't help but agreeing with the points mentioned by the author, Matt McDaniel. I wasn't that surprised with some of the points raised by McDaniel as many local fans have already discussed these as soon as they got out from the theatres on the opening night a week ago! Such diligent observations! Anyway, the article originally appeared on the 'Yahoo-movies' page, but I took the liberty to copy excerpts of the article (stating only the main points raised) by Mr McDaniel in my entry here. My favourite 'plot-hole' (excluding the never-ending questions posed rapidly in no. 10) is no. how about yours? Enjoy.....

1. In "Transformers," there was this giant battle in the middle of downtown Los Angeles -- excuse me, Mission City -- that was witnessed by thousands of people at the very least. But somehow the government was able to cover up the whole thing, and now the existence of alien robots is just an internet rumor? How did they do it? Pay off everyone who was there and quickly fix millions of dollars in damage? Also, didn't Keller (Jon Voight) go on TV and tell everyone we were being attacked by "a technological civilization far superior to our own"? How did they spin that?

2. There are two pieces of the Allspark cube left: the military has one under lock and key, and Sam discovers another. The Decepticons steal one and bring Megatron back to life. But when Sam (Shia LaBeouf) wants to bring back Optimus, he has to find the Matrix of Leadership on the other side of the globe. Why not use the other piece? Mikaela (Megan Fox) has it in her backpack the whole time. It brought his kitchen appliances to life, why can't it do the same for Optimus?
3. Speaking of Megatron's rebirth, when the Decepticons venture deep into the ocean to revive him, the Navy crew tracking them reads five contacts. When they get down there, they tear apart one of the robots for parts to rebuild Megatron. Then as they rise to the surface, the same Navy guys say they spot six contacts. The little "Doctor" robot popped out down there, but he's about a third of the size of a person. Would he have shown up on sonar?

4. That reminds me: even if I were to forgive the Doctor's German accent -- and director Michael Bay is asking me to forgive a lot of ridiculous accents -- why would a robot need glasses? He has little lenses that flip in front of his mechanical eyes. Couldn't he just get his eyes adjusted? You'd think with all the laser guns, someone could perform a Lasik procedure.
5. Apparently, Transformers can look like people now. How? And how is it that even though the robo-girl (Isabel Lucas) is made of metal, she can still straddle Sam without crushing him. And if Bumblebee knows something's wrong with her, why does he spit antifreeze at her instead of telling Sam? Yes, his voicebox is broken, but wasn't it fixed at the end of the last movie?

6. The Fallen is the last of the Primes, since they all sacrificed themselves to stop him from destroying the sun. But then he says that Optimus is a descendant of the Primes. First, Transformers have kids? And second, how could he descend from them if they were all dead? And if the Fallen could only be destroyed by a Prime, why didn't the originals just gang up on him back in the day? And what makes Optimus so special, anyway? Megatron beat him earlier, but all it takes is a few spare parts from creaky old Jetfire for him to take out the Fallen?
7. Sam, Mikaela, and Simmons (John Turturro) go to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. to find Jetfire. Then they walk out the back onto a wide open field with old planes and mountains in the distance. When did the National Mall start to look so much like to Tucson, AZ (where they really filmed that scene)?

8. The geography is just as bad when they go to Egypt. The stone city of Petra in Jordan is over 250 miles away, over mountainous terrain, with few paved roads and the Israeli border between them, so how can they drive from one to the other in a couple of hours. And the Pyramids are said to be shooting distance from the Mediterranean, but they are actually well over 80 miles inland. Even if the Navy ship had a secret rail gun, and even if the captain would take an order to fire from a former agent of a government branch that no longer exists (over a walkie-talkie that inexplicably starts working again), how could it hit a moving target from that distance?
9. Sam briefly dies and goes to Robot Heaven. Robot Heaven?!?!

10. Where does Sam's bandage come from? What about his extra sock? Why does Sam's roommate not contribute anything at all? What was the Fallen doing for those thousands of years Megatron was frozen in ice? How does one satellite receive transmissions from everywhere on the planet? Why does Wheelie hump Mikaela's leg? Why do we have to see John Turturro's thong? Why are robots who join together to become Devastator also seen fighting the Army at the same time? Why does the government want only our military fighting Decepticons when our weapons seem unable to make so much as a dent on any of them? Why did the ancient Egyptians build a pyramid around the sun-destroying machines instead of just breaking it? Why is the Matrix of Leadership bigger in the Fallen's hand than in Sam's? And how do Mikaela's pants stay so clean?
So there you are. I guess all that's left now is for Michael Bay to release his 'official' rebuttal or explanations for each of the points raised above.....heheh.....


darthmental said…
hahaha! kalu nak ikut, dari 1st movie lagi aku komen cam2. tapi takut nanti kena "hentam" ngan hardcore tf, hehe.

hmm, personally aku "kureng" skit tf movie ni. kalu nak layan, treat it as "another robot" movie. tu pendapat aku ja la. :P
The Rebel said…
Exactly....'just another robot movie'....that's a great way to put it, bro!

There's 2 separate universe...the 'purists' (the ones STRICTLY following the cartoon series/books) and the movie goers.....some purists refused to acknowledged the movies.....the same happened during LOTR's trilogy movies....

But like us aid lah, just enjoy the movies....tak payah pening2 kepala kan? :p
T.I.T.E.PRIME said…
huhu..juz anther robot movee??agre2..bsides,m'bay ni gle ke ape??snce when megatron jd kuli yg obedient sgt kt fallen??da mcm darth vader ngn sith lord lak..lg 1,optmus,mgatron ngn fallen 2 adik bradik ke??1 badass robot fmily..hehe
desmond said…
Bro, why so serious?? Just relax and enjoy the movie..Haha!!