Enterbay's Prison Break characters...

For the record, I've mentioned before that Enterbay, despite having already produced many superb 1/6th scaled action-figures, set their price range rather high when compared to some of their direct competitors aka Hot Toys etc. Yeah, I'm talking specifically about their Bruce Lee figures, which were conveniently priced at a staggering USD300 ea and above! I've never bought any Enterbay products before, so I can't really comment on any of the action figures they've produced before. They look good though! And in the future if there's any Enterbay line that I might consider getting my hands onto, it would be the Prison Break characters.
What started out as a joke to me (come on......a TV series about a bunch of prisoners plotting their escape route over meals and social activities....and finally escaping for real at the end of season 1??!!) finally got me glued to the TV screen weeks after weeks to find out what happened next at those guys over at Fox River State Penitentiary. As the series unfolded, each of the characters were given ample screen time and each has their own distinctive personalities. The main protagonists, brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows, together with Fernando Sucre, Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell, Benjamin Miles "C-Note" Franklin, David "Tweener" Apolskis, John Abruzzi, and Charles "Haywire" Patoshik, who come to be known as the Fox River Eight, are all in Enterbay's books and collectors are definitely excited to know which ones are to be produced in their 12" glories.
I'm glad however that Enterbay has decided to give us one of the brothers, Michaels Scofield as their first offering from this highly popular TV series. Below is the teaser picture that shows part of Scofield's 'tattooed/mapped' body, as portrayed in the TV series.

Surprisingly, Enterbay decided to release T-Bag next! I'm pretty sure that many would expect them to do an Abruzzi figure, but I guess T-Bag is equally villaineous as well! Enterbay has not released any teaser picture of the actual product yet, just a mere 'poster' of the character to tweak collectors' jittery excitement.

My thoughts on Enterbay's move....

I never really digged Kiefer Sutherland's 24, the idea of an up-to-the minute TV series to save the president of the USA didn't really sparked my interest. Enterbay had already produced both Jack Bauer (Sutherland's character) and President Palmer from the 24 TV series. Both characters were light in accesories as most of the time the man characters only carried handguns around while bidding their time to save the day! Not a problem. I'm a stern believer that a 12" action figure should be produced based on it's iconic impact to pop culture....be it in the cinemas or during it's airtime on television. So what would Michael Scofield and T-Bag come with? Prison spoons (modified to emulate a makeshift knife)? Prison soaps (okay, this one's a little pushing it...heheh!)? Whatever they may be, I definitely won't complain as long as the headsculpts rock big time!
Another point that Enterbay might ponder is that......they might have a bright future concentrating on the TV series 12" figures. Think about it, Hot Toys have their Movie Masterpiece (MMS) series; now they even have the MMSDX series, means that they're content to stick with movie characters rather than anything else. This implicitly paves the way for Enterbay to concentrate on the TV series characters, which they have brilliantly produced in the likes of 24, Mr Bean, Kato etc. and now by announcing the Prison Break line, they inadvertedly announced that they intend to cement their position in producing TV series characters! To that, I'd like to see Enterbay produce both Dean & Sam Winchester from the Supernatural TV series! Both definitely will be accompanied by tonnes of accesories and weapons, as they have diligently used during their countless ghoul-hunts and monster-chasing episodes. That'll be super-cool!
Until then, we'll wait and see what Enterbay intends to conjure up next......


desmond said…
Looking forwards to these figures..Haha!!
The Rebel said…
Yeah....let's wait for Enterbay preview pics Desmond!!
darthmental said…
siap ngan tattoo! pergh! O_O
The Rebel said…
itu la pasal Mental! tak tahan......