More from Star Wars' booth at SDCC 2009!

These two 12" figures really caught my attention from the Star Wars display booth at SDCC 2009. Although I'm not too keen on the Star Wars cartoonish Clone Wars line, Anakin's headsculpt is nevertheless accurate to his 'animated' version. And Rota the Hutlett was also produced faithful to his screen appearance!

Next up, we get to see a sneak peek of Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Expanded Universe storyline!!!!! I repeat....Grand Admiral Thrawn!!!! Holy cow! I never expected them to produce ol' blue-skinned in a 12" version!!!! This is sweet!!!!! Can't wait to get him...(time to re-read all those Zahn books now folks!) and relive those magical post-ROTJ moments!

For more pictures of other 12" Star Wars figures from Sideshow Collectibles, redirect yourselves here.


Armand said…
Admiral Thrawn! Hell yeah! If it comes with the command chair then i'm so gonna get it!
Dash MacBastard said…
The command chair is available with the Sideshow Exclusive version.
Rockaholic said…
Sideshow dah keluar tanduk. perghhh. poison..poison..
Armand said…
Exclusive version only?! What the hell?! Awwwww man!
The Rebel said…
DARN! It's gotta be some huge box just to ship that command chair in the exclusive version! Chances of getting an Exclusive version is virtually ZERO for us collectors in asia!

Agree with you Armand...AWWW MAN!!!!!