Sideshow Collectibles' Darth Vader...14" glory!

I picked this up about 2 weeks ago but was unable to find time to do a review due to my hectic work schedule. As explained earlier, this was one of my most anticipated 1/6th scaled action-figure, so naturally I took the liberty to inspect the figure fully before releasing my 'verdict' on it. Anyway, I'm not a very meticulous 'inspector/reviewer' so what I might comment hereon is purely based on my simple observation and opinion.
As usual, Sideshow's packaging is nice as ever. Simple, but not TOO simple as Medicom's (with no picture whatsoever on its' boxes). One must notice that Vader's box is at a staggering 16" in height, an early indication that the figure inside would be noticably taller than the rest of his SW counterparts.

The back of the packaging has several scenes from Episode IV.....

The sides of the packaging (both sides) have Vader posing in two different poses.......

Upon 'unfolding' the packaging (which is easy and very collector-friendly by the way, as it still employs a magnetic-tab-styled technique rather than velcro-based), we get to see the dark Lord entombed as below. He has very minimal accesories (as evident to his right), but then again.....he IS the Dark Lord of the Sith...he doesn't need much accesories to carry out his 'Sith-y' deeds! Use the force!

A nice biodata on Darth Vader, explaining his origins as we came to know during Episode IV....

A general bio write-up on the Siths....

His accesories were light. Only 3 extra interchangeable hands and 2 (unlit and lit) lightsabers.

Fresh out of the box......caped and all!

With his cape out of the way!

Very detailed 'machineries' on his chest and waist......

Among the thing I remembered most about Vader from my earliest memories from watching episode IV for the first time was his 'neck-chain' located just under his helmet aka the thing that holds his cape to his body.

His unlit lightsaber looks cool hanging from his belt!

Vader's shiny boots!

Notice that his visors are 'red-ish' in colour....staying true to his Episode IV appearance!

Look at the height difference between Vader and Ben Kenobi!

Ol' Ben must be thinkin' twice to 'face-off' with vader.....

Ben Kenobi: "Damn I'm short!"

With Princess Leia....

Vader: "You are a member of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!"

That's a very obvious height gap there!

For the record, Vader has tight joints....very unlikely for a Sideshow figure! But that's a good sign from Sideshow......


Razmanshah said…
jelez tol aku ko ada 14" vader. cun la!!!!
The Rebel said…
Aiseh....version Medicom hg tu still ok apa, ada removeable helmet! That's really a good point about Medicom's version!
darthmental said…
nice review bro. memang berbaloi beli tu. :D
The Rebel said…
Mental, figure ni pulak sold out merata! Tak sangka aku...ingat takda sapa nak memula dulu!