I've talked about Sony's plans to launch the slimmer version of the PS3 aka the PS3 Slim version in my earlier post. Seems that not many retailers in Malaysia were aware on Sony's plans. I went to an authorised Sony Center yesterday with my wife and instantly inquired on the availability of the machine i.e. when would it reach Malaysian shores, how much would it be etc. Some spectacled store assistant attended to our query and almost instantenously lashed out to me and my wife by saying "Those are just rumours. You might not get them".....What the heck? "Authorised" Sony Center mind you! I said that it has already been reviewed by Sony's top officials on the internet....and that the impending 'official' release is imminent. I can't believe the lack of enthusiasm portrayed by the store assistant. For once I thought that he was utter lazy to check on the release date, but later I came to the conclusion that he was plain ignorant and simply not in the know about the whole PS3 slim -version fiasco.
Nevertheless, the PS3 was in fact announced over GamesCon on 18th August, hence quashed all skeptical views that the slim PS3 was a mere hoax. Japan's gonna get it on 3rd September, thus I believe we won't have to wait long (some horror rumour mentioned Asians would only get theirs somewhere during Q1, 2010!!) before South East Asian geeks and fans can finally see them on retailers' shelves soon! Woo-hoo! 
K O P A K!!!
But as far as cost is concerned, the PS3 surely is tempting over its' thicker predecessor! hehhe...