I have tonnes of Star Wars 3.75" action-figures. Some were ripped from their MISB packagings some time back (oh what joy!) and some were bought loose. By the way, I've stopped caring whether loose ones depreciate in value or won't fetch as much as those still imprisoned in their plastic cells. It's just satisfying to know that I've been able to get those figures that eluded me the first time they came out in the market. Besides, I collect these for my own satisfaction...with no intentions to extort them over eBay in the near future...hehe!
So, came this crazy-geeky idea to finally start cataloguing them. No, not necessarily every each of them individually per se.....definitely not gonna snap pictures of 'em one-by-one. That's gonna take a long time and some patience......which I do not have! LOL! What I have in mind is to take pictures of them in 'action' and post them at regular intervals (by way of which I mean I'll try to do it on a weekly basis, if not daily!). To kick off this inaugural weekly/daily serial, I present to you my take on the Mustafar Duel scene and a fictional scene I'd like to call 'Them Clonies'.... :)
The Mustafar Duel scene: Obi wan Kenobi trash-talking with Anakin.....
Them Clonies: Clone troopers posing with their 'host' Jango Fett.....
May the force be with me...always!
Thanks Dash!
rupanya hang pun clone-freak gak ka, haha. :P