The best 1/6th Tom Hanks likeness to date!

I've been blabberin' about this particular 1/6 military Ranger figure since it was first hyped about a couple of months ago. Truth be told, I've been feeling that mental-writer's block since the start of the weekend. This time, I think I'll let the pictures do the talking......I got this about a week ago, and haven't stopped marvelling the likeness of a certain Mr Hanks from that 'Ryan movie. See for yourselves! There were many flaks received on how the headsculpt is not that good and how the efforts made to replicate Capt. Miller's likeness (Hank's character in Saving Private Ryan) is a feeble one and is not worth picking up. I have to confess that I strongly beg to differ!
I'll come back to this later for a much-detailed review on the excellent accessories and stuffs sometime soon (I hope!). have been forewarned!!! :p

For the full set of pictures, do drop by my flickr page if ya' have the time.


I almost bought the head sculpt and naked body of this and wanted to dress him up with Dragon's Cpt Miller attire...still deciding....
desmond said…
The head sculpt doesn't look like Tom Hank, are you sure??
The Rebel said…
>>Adrian.....go ahead dude! Like I said, it's currently the best Tom Hanks sculpt in the mkt since it's the only decent one out there...LOL! But seriously I think he looks great....will look superb next to Barry Pepper!!!!

>>Des...Hanks is thr somewhere...hehehe....not exactly the best Tom Hanks sculpt either, but hey.....there's no other substitute for it yet, so we'll have to be content with this.. :p
Des if you try hard enough you can see Mr Hanks there...LOL
Mat`amiT said…
well if u look closely it does resembles a way, a chubby hanks to be precise hehehe