Hot Toys Joker headsculpt re-painted....super-eerie cool!

This is a brilliant repaint work from Korean artist Lalla. As if the Hot Toys' masterpiece is not hauntingly life-like enough, he decided to take it one step further by making it a strong replacement contender for Chucky! *shudder/quiver*

Although I'm not sure whether this headsculpt is from the regular Bank Robber version or is it from the MMSDX boxset (which I presume has been released in the Korean market)......

Enjoy the pics, I like the fact that he has re-toned the make-up to make them much lighter...and that he has planted 'real-hair' to add to the realism! I wish I had this kind of talent.... Kudos to Lalla!


desmond said…
The implanted hairs made the head sculpt looks more real. Really amazing piece of work!!
Agree with is the hair (to me) that makes the sculpt super realistic!!