Upcoming Marvel "Entertainment" movies!

First of all, I find it kinda goofy to be referring Marvel Comics/Movies as Marvel Entertainment.....coupled with the fact that Disney had acquired Marvel as a whole made it more mind-boggling as the World Wrestling Federation being known as the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Anyway, enough of that....just a post-lunch rant from a half-sleepy white-collared office worker...hehe!
For some cosmic reasons, there are no Marvel-produced movies scheduled to be released in 2009, but in 2010/2011 we'd be treated with a pretty impressive list to look forward to:

Iron Man 2.......Scheduled for April 30, 2010 release
Mickey Rourke in a kinda-skimpy-yet-ridiculous costume....
Scarjo as the Black Widow aka Natasha Romanova....
Thor......Scheduled for June 4, 2010 release

Yet another random 'supposed-ly' movie-like image of the Thor I found off the net.....
The First Avenger: Captain America.........Scheduled for May 6, 2011 release
The Avengers..........Scheduled for July 2011 release
A cool fan-made Avengers movie poster.......till the official teaser poster comes out, this'll do to suppress fanboys' anticipations!
Ant-Man........no release date as yet but writer/director engaged...

Let's see what DC has in their bag to respond to Marvel's assault! Bring us the TDK sequel and the JLA movie!


desmond said…
Scarlett is pretty and sexy :P