Let's hear it (again) from Sir Alex Ferguson.....rants, rants and MORE rants!

Is he losing it? Hahah...just when i thought he couldn't get any more absurb, he's at it again!!! Chelsea's win over Man-yoo yesterday (courtesy of John Terry's header) was inevitably going to invite some serious rants from Sir Alex, and he didn't disappoint!!!

The Manchester United boss was already in hot soup with the English FA over labelling Alan Wiley 'unfit' during the Sunderland match which ended in a 2-2 draw some time back. This time its' referee Martin Atkinson's turn to be showered with nice 'praises' from Sir Alex!

This time, he was furious over the free-kick that led to Terry's header and claimed Didier Drogba fouled Wes Brown as he tried to clear the ball. I'm not saying that Chelsea's freekick wasn't a valid one, it's just that sometimes football can be cruel. It's those instanteneous decisions that end up costing a team valuable points. But hey, it's football. We continuosly depend on human (referee) judgements, either good or bad to decide how a game proceeds and ultimately the outcome of the game. It's just the way things are. Sometime ago, there was even a suggestion to use video evidence post-match to clear up those controversial moments, but the idea was shot down....citing that it will take the drama away from the pitch.

*Sigh*...I guess some people will never get it!


Kenny said…
His mad crusade against the refs is going to backfire some day.
Anonymous said…
Fifa's blatant refusal to use video is causing this in my opinion.

In the past decade, the pace of games has become a lot faster (at least in England), and there's a lot more play acting, its a bit much to think a referee can haul that all in and make a right decision every time.

The longer they refuse video, the angrier people are going to be, fans, players and managers alike.