I've only got 3 Masters of The Universe (MOTU) Classic figures from www.mattycollector.com thus far, with another certain bone-head villain on his way to me somewhere in mid January. I had the intention of reviewing either He-Man or Teela first but ultimately decided to rant on the rather 'unknown' Scareglow figure since this is the figure that got collectors (of old and new alike) all excited about. What is that I hear? "Scare-who?!"....Never heard of him? Me neither...not until the figure was announced by matty-collector in Sept '09 anyway.
In the 80's, I was guilty of throwing those mini-comics as soon as I got me' grubby hands on the action-figures too....*sigh*. Thank God for today's scanning technology....and bless whoever that took the trouble of uploading these wonderful mini-comics back into the internet for us to marvel over. There were a total of 49 mini-comics available so I'm guessing that Mattel released the same number of action figures for the MOTU line back then.
Ok, let's start off his introduction. Every retro-cartoon fan knows that the MOTU TV series (by Filmation) was aired somewhere between '83-'85....but casual fans will probably not know that the MOTU universe actually started within the mini-comics in which every MOTU action-figure came with. Ahh..remember those huge-bodied/disproportioned MOTU figures? But let's face it, most of us remember Filmation's cartoon series the most rather than these 'most-probably-be-stashed-somewhere-once-I've-opened-up-the-packaging' comics anyway.....so go figure, those characters NOT portrayed in the cartoon series were forever forgotten...until now.
Scareglow, was unfortunately one of the obscure but popular character that appeared in one of the last ever mini-comics from the MOTU toyline. In fact, his original 80's toy can fetch as high as USD100 on eBay! That's how popular he is. I think it's due to the fact (at that particular point in time) that he's such a mean-looking bad-a** henchman of Skeletor who never got his fair share of screen time. Imagine if he did?
Scareglow, to most die-hard/mini-comic fans, will always be THE only henchman that dared to threaten Skeletor upon his introduction into the MOTU world. Take a look at the comic page below.....unfortunately he succumbed to Skelly's 'charm' afterwards! Click on any of these comic pages for a better/larger view....
He has the power to 'scare' the heck of unsuspecting victims...though he announced his intentions quite clearly to Prince Adam in the comic page below.....
....but eventually got his butt kicked by He-man in the end!
Nevertheless, I'm glad Mattel did his figure. He'll look superb standing with the rest of the baddies. Nevermind the fact that he missed his chance to appear in the 3rd season of He-man and the MOTU cartoon series (it was cancelled right after the 2nd season ended to pave way for She-Ra). Enjoy the pics......
btw, bila scareglow hang sampai?
>>Mental....Thanks bro. MASK aku pun still ada dlm store...tapi nak cari satu2 balik kasi complete tu yg agak berat tu...hehe....Scareglow dgn He-Man aku sampai lewat kali ni.....dlm 40 hari la jugak...pasal holiday period kan....sblum ni less than a month dah sampai frm matty.
>>Adrian...things we have to battle through to get these superb MOTU figures!
>>saruman...I bought these MOTUs through mattycollector.com...they come out every 15th each month.....but the rather terrible online buying experience really tests one's patience!