Feeble el purchaso for mid-April '10....

Well whadya' know? April's almost over and I'm yet to get over my 'lazy-as-heck-to-blog' bug. Sometimes I do wonder whether I'd ever get into my nonsensical ranting mode again....*shucks!*

Aaaaanyway...here're some pop-culture items both my wife and I managed to somehow squeeze through into our monthly 'groceries' list during mid-April....isn't it nice to be geeks! 

God of War III

What can I say? My wife has been waiting since forever for part three of Kratos' 'godly mission' (pardon the pun....heheh) to kill Zeus and his merry band of Mount Olympus gods. This game was particularly sold out everywhere during its initial release in Malaysia some weeks ago. It was well worth the wait IMHO, as we managed to snag this one relatively lower than the retail price...courtesy of a discount given by our usual 'game' pusher!

Y: The Last Man Deluxe Edition Book 2

I'm kinda hooked to the series right now, so naturally this 2nd edition of the award winning series ended up in my graphic novel library (and at the point of typing this, the 3rd edition is already well on its way to me too! *geeky grin*). As I have graciously mentioned before, you'd be nuts if you haven't checked out this excellent graphic novel already......

Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentleman Vol 1 & 2

Alan Moore is by far one of the most interesting comic book/graphic novel writer on the planet right now (at par with the irreplaceable Neil Gaiman and Frank Miller). Believe me when I say that I was an idiot having believed that the 'movie' (VERY loosely based on Vol 1) was the exact translation of Alan Moore's work. These graphic novels rock people!!! Hands down....definitely miles better than the movie!!!  

Secret Invasion TPB graphic novel

The storyline's been over for several years now. Since the Secret Invasion saga, Marvel universe had gone through the Dark Avengers/Dark Reign period.......followed immediately by the recently ended Siege storyline. I'm prepping myself up for the upcoming Bendis/Romita Jr. brand new Avengers series (#1 to be released sometime in May), hence it's very crucial for me to understand the aftermath of the Civil War storyline to which I have unfortunately missed back then when it was first published. 

Discounted stuffs from TRU's sale

I never was a Mighty Muggs collector, but ol' Ben here was on sale for about RM22 (that's bout USD6.5) and my son happens to have a great liking to these cute/mutated lightsaber-wielding characters. I bought the GI Joe: ROC Senior Officer pack (was just about USD7) solely to get Sgt Stone to complete my collection of the on-screen characters. Couldn't care less about 'whats-their-faces' characters that came with him.....LOL! They would make superb canon fodders should I ever make a diorama of these Joes/Cobras trying to kill each other!

DID's 1/6 Capt 'Millers'......

Yeah, you've guessed it....for some obvious 'copyright' issues, DID couldn't use the Captain John H. Miller name outright. Next best thing is to slightly change the name to....well, err..."Millers". I'm an absolute sucker for them WW2 1/6 action figures....and to finally have the ultimate version of Mr Hanks' character from the Saving Ryan's Private....I mean, Saving Private Ryan movie is a dream come true. He's currently out of his box and sitting pretty with the rest of my WW2 vets on me' display shelf. Review to be done on this great figure soon....

Well, that's pretty much it.....see ya real soon!


saruman said…
I want GOW3!! but it's too bloody expensive here...
desmond said…
So many things you bought recently..Must be spending a lot!!
I have that league of extraordinary gentlemen comic.

love it.
The Rebel said…
>>>saruman.....try buying at Subang Parade, IT section bro....kedai 'aunty' kat bawah tu....I got it for RM180 je if i'm not mistaken. Other places (including SONY Style) are selling for RM250 and above kan?

>>>Des....no lah bro..some were already paid for months ago (Capt Miller), comics were bought at discount prices at Kino......and I did not buy evrything at once bro... =p

>>> Asrul...I think the second Vol is underappreciated....my wife loves it! Even better than the 1st Vol...
Armand said…
Nice spree my friend. I was tempted to get GOW3 but currently they're only selling the China version (sorry I'm being a wee bit picky when it comes to these things, hehe!). So I got myself Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition(EU edition) first.

Oh and if you want cheap PS3 games go over to Low Yatt. I got mine for RM160. It was selling for RM190 but I bargained so yeah got RM30 off, heh!