Been pretty busy watching the '10 FIFA World Cup lately. I'm still reeling from the aftershock of witnessing Portugal blasting 7 goals past the hapless North Korean goalkeeper yesterday...*poor chap*. Anyway, not much geeky activities taking place nowadays for me...I seem to have been pre-occupied with other stuffs lately. But amidst all that I managed to receive the long awaited #1 of The Avengers: The Heroic Age! Oh yeah!
Oh, it's best to tell ya that you'd probably be better off understanding the whole Civil War-Secret Invasion-Dark Avengers-Siege storyline before you go into this one. For the record, I still haven't read Siege myself, but I have a pretty good idea of how the story went (most probably will pick up the TPB next month too! heheh...) so inevitably this new monthly series is a must for any Avengers fan who wishes to know what comes next after the fall of Norman Osborne.
What can I say....classic Avengers stuff promises to unfold itself. Although it is still early, I can foresee that this new series will kick a** and satisfy even the fans who shunned away from the New Avengers series. Wicked art from John Romita Jr. too. Highly get your hands on #1 before it completely disappears from the stands soon!
Make mine Marvel!
Make mine Marvel!