Yup, just when everybody was crossing their fingers for Sideshow to produce their 1/6 renditions of the Fetts....Medicom beat them to it! Gosh...every collector in town knows about their scale issues when compared to other 1/6 figures. They certainly don't match up to the rest of Sideshow's 1/6 Star Wars figures. Come on, we were already disappointed that both Artoo and Threepio were produced by Medicom. Now we must either be content into getting Medicom's versions of Boba & Jango....OR be patient enough till Sideshow eventually does theirs.
I must admit, even though these two look pretty tempting, but the scale issues turn me off every time. Again, Medicom's price points are a great deal of an issue too. Hot Toys they ain't, therefore paying such an exorbitant price for one of their figures doesn't make sense in my books.