At one glance, one may mistakenly thought that the image above was taken off a picture album belonging to one lucky Star Wars fan way back in '83. This however is a brand new release from Hasbro under the "Kenner" tag to rekindle the nostalgic feelings amongst us Star Wars fans, especially those who were lucky enough to have had the original toy when it was first released all those years ago when ESB was being played in the cinemas.
Well, as some of you might already know, Hasbro's currently kinda pushing their 'Vintage packaging' Star Wars (VOTC) strategy into the vehicle department as well. So far we've got the Snowspeeder being released in the retro box together with the TIE Fighter. As for me, I'm itching to see how cool it will be when the AT-AT is finally released in its retro/vintage packaging!
This imperial space fighter has inspired me since i was a little kid.
Star wars movie has brings a lot of impact to the world today designs of shape & technology of many things to come.