Wow, it's good to be back after such a lengthy absence. I never thought that the past month would ultimately restrict my time to update this humble blog. Even my other resident reviewer was tied up with his work as well, so there you go.....bogged down by work *sigh*. Imagine that. Well, I promise myself that I'm gonna slowly catch up with my postings and blab about the stuffs I love the most (yeah, mostly it'll involve those darn plastic dolls we call 'action-figure') and I'm sure my resident reviewer will be back to his usual geeky best real soon too. Lotsa stuffs have been acquired so bear with us as we slowly re-gather our momentum to do what we do best...heheh.
Anyway, to kickstart my new year (yeah, I'm aware that we're already 8 days into 2011 already!), here's my take on the latest offering from Hasbro, from the Transformers Universe line, Autobot Jazz!
Packaging is pretty basic, as it was when the Universe line was first introduced all those years ago. For the record, I've never bought any Universe figures myself, being a staunch collector of the Henkei line. Sadly, the Henkei line may never be revived again for some unknown reasons, so the next best thing for me to continue collecting the Generation 1 (or G1 for shorts) Transformers characters is through these Universe Classics line. Ain't a bad thing either. I won't miss much of the bling evidently present throughout the Henkei line either.
A brief bio on Jazz in included at the back. It says that he falls in love with every world he visits and often find himself in the undercover role....bla...bla...bla...Its sufficient for me to know that he's finally made and I can add him into my Autobot roster.
Upon ripping the packaging open, I was immediately transported back to my younger days watching the G1 cartoons in the mid 80s.....hahah, get it? Transport...transported? Jazz is a car....a transport? (Ok, I know....lame pun)....Aaaanyway, take a look at Jazz's vehicle mode. A spot-on reproduction of how he looked like in the cartoon series!
I'm not sure whether this has been done before in the Classic's line before...but I'm really digging the 'heat-sensitive' rub sign.....Jazz is an Autobot so of course his insignia shows him as a member f the 'good guys'. Rub your fingers over the sign and it will turn bright greenish. Cool! Exactly like the 80s toys! Adds to the nostalgic value of the toy itself!
He's pretty easy to transform into his robot mode....well, the point accentuated by the fact that I have about 7-8 other Autobot cars and Jazz is just another one of ' transformation was merely a routine at this point. He's one cool-looking Autobot. It doesn't really help us collectors since Hasbro yet again chosen to short pack him...only 1 per case, when they CLEARLY know that Jazz is THE single most sought after character from this current wave. What I'm really trying to say is, Jazz is hard to find in the market, it's a daunting task to find him here in KL, Malaysia. I was quite lucky to have been at the retails shelves at one of the stores minutes after the Hasbro dude was done refurbishing the shelves. My Jazz here was the only one there....though I could've sworn there were at least 2 cases worth of TF figures present from the wave.
He's every bit the robot which we have grown to love from the classic cartoon series. I reckon 25 years ago, kids everywhere would've jumped to see a toy like this one! Super-articulations is virtually non-existent all those years ago.
One of my personal favourite feature of Jazz here is that he's got a decent looking 'wings' aka the 2 doors which flaps out from behind his shoulders. The previous car-robots (Red Alert, Sunstreal, Prowl etc) all had their wings pointing somewhat much so as to suggest that they could actually fly. The one on Jazz here is kinda leveled with the height of his head so it makes him look...'normal'. Oh yeah, Jazz also comes with a pretty standard laser pistol. As with previous Henkei/Universe releases, Jazz is superbly articulated so collectors may have fun posing him in various heroic poses!
His headsculpt and facial expression makes it look like he's been plucked out right from the cartoon series. I love the expression and how it is faithfully similar to the cartoon version!
Ah, remember those days when us kids used to go "Whoahhhh!" whenever Jazz pops out his twin stereo speakers to blast them bad guys away? This is a great touch by Hasbro to include the speakers on Jazz. Actually these can also be revealed when Jazz is in his car mode (but I'm too lazy to transform him back...hahahah).
Conclusion: What can I say more? This is an excellent action figure of one of my beloved G1 characters. I can't stress how cool this figure just gotta go out there and find out the packaging, transform him...and have a blast rekindling those fond memories from the good ol' 80s sitting in front of the telly waiting for Optimus and gang to kick Decepticreep butts! Now everybody, all together now.....*Transformers, more than meets the eyes.....Transformers, robots in disguise!!!*
Why half?
Well, later on I found out that a Henkei version will be released and had better paint apps: rearlights in car mode, silvered rims--you get the picture. It's Henkei after all...But yeah, I'm looking forward to getting him then...if I see him at all. ;P