The Avengers movie's coming up next year. And so the action-figures follow! Hasbro's been kind enough to release both 6" Movie Captain America and Nick Fury figures first to whet our geeky-appetite. Ok, for the record that Iron Man figure pictured above with both 'movie' Capt & Nick Fury. is like so '2008'....but he'll have to do for the time being while we wait for Hasbro to give us Mark VII or whatever the armour's gonna be called in the upcoming movie. Nevertheless, I'm happy that we're given the chance to kick-start our 6" Movie Avengers collection with these two.
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Here's Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury as he first appeared in his packaging when I first picked him up. I love the movie 'feel' by depicting Chris Evans aka the new Captain America on the the top left corner of the card back....
...and here's Chris Evans as Captain America himself. Honestly upon first glance, I thought that the figure looks somewhat short. Uh-oh, I sense 'disproportion syndrome' comin' up! More on that later.
Let's go over the Nick Fury figure first shall we? Here he is, freshly out of his plastic cell aka package. One can't possibly ignore the instant recognition here.....he's Sam Jackson fer God's sake! What else could you ask for really? This is 'movie' Ultimate Nick Fury in the flesh...err...I mean, plastic!
His accessories include two machine guns (uhm, not really sure what model those are) and two handguns. Pretty generous Hasbro!
I can't believe there are some collectors out there who insist (and still do!) that this particular headsculpt is the same with the one Hasbro gave us in that 2-pack some years ago. You know, the one that came with Ultimate Cap? They must be insane. Here, take a look. Ain't that Sam Jackson?
Sam Jackson's in the house! The view from the front is really astounding. I'm really impressed on how Hasbro seem to have successfully reproduce actors/actresses likeness of late through out their action figures.
You turn him to the sides and you still can instantly recognize ol' Sam. No doubt about it!
I also dig Mr Fury's trench coat. It seems natural and seamless. Nice work Hasbro!
Here's my parting shot to those who dissed this figure's headsculpt. A quick comparison with Ultimates' version CLEARLY shows the obvious differences between those two. One looks like Sam Jackson and the other looks like Roadblock from the G.I. Joe cartoon series.....LOL! No doubt on the fact that these two share the same body parts. I have no problems whatsoever with that though.
Moving on to Captain America. Upon his 'escape' from his plastic tomb, I can immediately say that he's a tad bit shorter than your average 6-inch figure. Overall I think he's a pretty decent figure so I think I can afford to give his lack of 'vertical capability' a miss methinks! The details on this figure is very faithful indeed to the on-screen portrayal of the star-spangled crusader!
His accessories include his iconic shield (of course!), a Thompson machine gun similar to the ones used by them American G.I.s during WW2 and a handgun.
I totally love the fact that he has a working holster for his handgun.
At this angle, the headsculpt looks like Chris Evans the best! And yeah, that handgun really looks a bit big for his hands. But hey, I'll probably be posing him with his tommy gun more than the oversized handgun anyway, so no qualms from me there!
And here he is with his shield! Oh yeah! Bring on them bad guys! Captain America without his shield is akin to Batman without his batarangs or Thor without his Mjolnir (hammer)!
I can say that Hasbro really did a wonderful job in reproducing the details of the character. He looks great even from behind! Although the 'painted' feathers on his helmet is kinda ridiculous to some, I actually like this 40s-influenced design and I for one would miss this costume/helmet design when The Avengers' movie comes out next year. *SPOILER*.....yup, he's wearing a different get-up in the upcoming Avengers movie!
The Thompson aka tommy-gun looks great in his hands. The proportion looks just nice and is a wonderful accessory for Cap. I wish the same could be said about his handgun.
VERDICT: I can't possibly imagine how Avengers fans can seriously give any of these two figures a miss! Sure, they have their own issues i.e. Cap with his height issues and Nick Fury......err...nothing wrong with ol' Sam Jackson figure in my opinion. So get 'em both while you still can. They are disappearing fast from retail shelves everywhere, well here in Malaysia at least.