One of my favourite memories from the 80s was watching a certain Peter Weller playing one of the most iconic cyborg character of our time. I had the chance to buy the McFarlane figure many years ago but was then put-off by the lack of 'screen-accurate' look on that figure (I just hate it how the headsculpt proportion on that one looked a bit 'off'!). The articulations were pretty abysmal too if I could recall properly. Anyway, no use of crying over spilt milk. I just knew in my heart that someday another toy company's gonna produce a better Robocop figure. Well, I can tell ya that my prayers have been answered by NECA!
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The packaging's pretty standard we've come to see from NECA. The clear-plastic clamshell packaging works well to hold the figure in place. It also gives you the sense of 'I-won't-miss-it-even-if-I-rip-the-figure-out'! I absolutely love the packaging art, which is an actual shot of the figure itself...and the 'Prime Directives' set by OCP (stands for "Omni Consumer Products", the company responsible for creating Robocop to those who haven't watched the movie!). Remember how cool it was when those prime directives flashed through Robocop's vision via his internal visor view? There is however, a fourth directive which was kept a secret during the course of the first movie, but was revealed towards the end of the movie!
The bio at the back basically explains the back story of the character, which is a nice touch by NECA. They took the trouble of summarizing the plot from the first Robocop movie into this half-pager bio! Did I mention that I dig the art? The art looked like a still image from the movie itself.....but in fact, it's a shot of the actual figure, just like the one on the front of the packaging!
Once I freed the figure from its clamshell prison, I was quickly amazed on how proportioned NECA's Robocop is compared to the one given by McFarlane! I do not have the McFarlane version here for comparison purposes, but I can tell you that if you compare this new figure with the old one, you'd probably say that this new one beats the cr*p out of the McFarlane version by a mile!
The back view of the figure is equally breath-taking! Every nook and cranny is replicated delicately by NECA. Totally giving you your money's worth! This are among the things that totally swept the McFarlane version aside.
Close up reveals a very screen-accurate 'scowl'. You'd swear that it's Peter Weller underneath that semi-full-faced-helmet! My #1 grouse is that we're not given a removable helmet. Otherwise this Robocop figure would be near-perfect. Why 'near-perfect' you ask? Well, read on for my #2 grouse further down this review.
A close up on the side of head-sculpt revealed another very cool touch by NECA. If ya squint properly, you can read the "OCP Police - 001" engraved at the sides of the helmet. Sloppy to say the least, but nevertheless a very nice addition to an already-detailed 6" action figure.
I bet many of youse readers are wondering whether NECA had produced an accurately-scaled Beretta handgun for this figure. I can tell you (and you can see it for yourself in this next picture) that the hand-gun fits perfectly into Robocop's hands. In this case, NECA gave a right hand for Robocop to hold the gun and an open left hand, so it simply means that you can't possibly have a 'lefty' Robocop for your display....
I remember having that old Robocop figure from the 80s....and how even then I totally loved the gun that came with that vintage figure (even though it's a totally different type of gun). I guess the the most awesome feature of that Robocop figure was that we were able to reveal Murphy himself via removing his helmet. Many years later, we're finally blessed with getting that screen-accurate Beretta handgun! The handgun looks superb and what's even cooler is that NECA provided us with a right hand with the exact trigger-pullin' finger position, so we'd be able to slide the finger through the trigger area almost flawlessly! Very cool NECA!
Articulation-wise, I think that this figure will be able to achieve poses that even Pete Weller weren't able to do in the movies. I love it how the figure can be posed without making the character look 'stiff' or unnatural. My #2 grouse is that NECA didn't give us the 'open thigh-holster' feature.
Then again, I wasn't sure whether Pete Weller ever did a 'samba' pose in any of the movies! lol....But you get the drift ain't it? This action figure has a better range of movements compared to its on-screen counterpart.
NECA had also been kind enough to provide us with a SECOND hand in addition to the trigger-pulling right hand reviewed earlier. This hand comes with the infamous 'data-spike' ol' Robocop used to access the Detroit Police Dept database, which eventually led to the discovery of his (Alex J Murphy's) own murder by Clarence Boddicker. The 'data-retrieving' contraption subsequently turned into a deadly weapon as Robocop punctures his opponent during close-quarter fights.
Lastly, I'd just want you guys to check out those realistic 'hydraulics' on Robocop's legs! They really do work....well at least they move upward/downward whenever Robocop takes a walk. This is one superb feature that McFarlane never incorporate into their earlier-produced figure.
A no-brainer purchase here if you're a big Robocop fan! Heck, even if you're just a casual sci-fi fan, you'd be flabbergasted on the crazy amount of love NECA put into this figure....such amazing detailing and paint job! I take it that NECA's Robocop is still available everywhere (and almost anywhere near you regardless of which country you stay) and at a very very affordable price (he's going for less than USD15 in most places here in Malaysia) I'm betting that he'll be sold out real soon if you decide to wait. Get him now while he's still available. As Robocop said...."Your move, creep!"
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The packaging's pretty standard we've come to see from NECA. The clear-plastic clamshell packaging works well to hold the figure in place. It also gives you the sense of 'I-won't-miss-it-even-if-I-rip-the-figure-out'! I absolutely love the packaging art, which is an actual shot of the figure itself...and the 'Prime Directives' set by OCP (stands for "Omni Consumer Products", the company responsible for creating Robocop to those who haven't watched the movie!). Remember how cool it was when those prime directives flashed through Robocop's vision via his internal visor view? There is however, a fourth directive which was kept a secret during the course of the first movie, but was revealed towards the end of the movie!
The bio at the back basically explains the back story of the character, which is a nice touch by NECA. They took the trouble of summarizing the plot from the first Robocop movie into this half-pager bio! Did I mention that I dig the art? The art looked like a still image from the movie itself.....but in fact, it's a shot of the actual figure, just like the one on the front of the packaging!
Once I freed the figure from its clamshell prison, I was quickly amazed on how proportioned NECA's Robocop is compared to the one given by McFarlane! I do not have the McFarlane version here for comparison purposes, but I can tell you that if you compare this new figure with the old one, you'd probably say that this new one beats the cr*p out of the McFarlane version by a mile!
The back view of the figure is equally breath-taking! Every nook and cranny is replicated delicately by NECA. Totally giving you your money's worth! This are among the things that totally swept the McFarlane version aside.
Close up reveals a very screen-accurate 'scowl'. You'd swear that it's Peter Weller underneath that semi-full-faced-helmet! My #1 grouse is that we're not given a removable helmet. Otherwise this Robocop figure would be near-perfect. Why 'near-perfect' you ask? Well, read on for my #2 grouse further down this review.
A close up on the side of head-sculpt revealed another very cool touch by NECA. If ya squint properly, you can read the "OCP Police - 001" engraved at the sides of the helmet. Sloppy to say the least, but nevertheless a very nice addition to an already-detailed 6" action figure.
I bet many of youse readers are wondering whether NECA had produced an accurately-scaled Beretta handgun for this figure. I can tell you (and you can see it for yourself in this next picture) that the hand-gun fits perfectly into Robocop's hands. In this case, NECA gave a right hand for Robocop to hold the gun and an open left hand, so it simply means that you can't possibly have a 'lefty' Robocop for your display....
I remember having that old Robocop figure from the 80s....and how even then I totally loved the gun that came with that vintage figure (even though it's a totally different type of gun). I guess the the most awesome feature of that Robocop figure was that we were able to reveal Murphy himself via removing his helmet. Many years later, we're finally blessed with getting that screen-accurate Beretta handgun! The handgun looks superb and what's even cooler is that NECA provided us with a right hand with the exact trigger-pullin' finger position, so we'd be able to slide the finger through the trigger area almost flawlessly! Very cool NECA!
Articulation-wise, I think that this figure will be able to achieve poses that even Pete Weller weren't able to do in the movies. I love it how the figure can be posed without making the character look 'stiff' or unnatural. My #2 grouse is that NECA didn't give us the 'open thigh-holster' feature.
Then again, I wasn't sure whether Pete Weller ever did a 'samba' pose in any of the movies! lol....But you get the drift ain't it? This action figure has a better range of movements compared to its on-screen counterpart.
NECA had also been kind enough to provide us with a SECOND hand in addition to the trigger-pulling right hand reviewed earlier. This hand comes with the infamous 'data-spike' ol' Robocop used to access the Detroit Police Dept database, which eventually led to the discovery of his (Alex J Murphy's) own murder by Clarence Boddicker. The 'data-retrieving' contraption subsequently turned into a deadly weapon as Robocop punctures his opponent during close-quarter fights.
Lastly, I'd just want you guys to check out those realistic 'hydraulics' on Robocop's legs! They really do work....well at least they move upward/downward whenever Robocop takes a walk. This is one superb feature that McFarlane never incorporate into their earlier-produced figure.
A no-brainer purchase here if you're a big Robocop fan! Heck, even if you're just a casual sci-fi fan, you'd be flabbergasted on the crazy amount of love NECA put into this figure....such amazing detailing and paint job! I take it that NECA's Robocop is still available everywhere (and almost anywhere near you regardless of which country you stay) and at a very very affordable price (he's going for less than USD15 in most places here in Malaysia) I'm betting that he'll be sold out real soon if you decide to wait. Get him now while he's still available. As Robocop said...."Your move, creep!"