This figure in due to be released in Feb '12. I don't usually dig these Revoltech figures. Their excellent articulations aside, I just can't come to terms that their 5" scale doesn't really fit with any other toylines in most of our action figure collection (save for those few notable McFarlane 5-incher liek Halo figs etc.). My wife and I have a soft-spot for the Incredibles movie though, so there is a (very, very, very) remote chance that I'll be giving this figure a thought...
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This figure also comes with the the tentatacle robot seen towards the end of the movie destroying the city. Too bad that it does not come in the 5" that would've been massive and great! Imagine posing that with the Marvel Universe superheroes *geek drool*.
Now can somebody please email Kaiyodo (that's the company which produces the Revoltech line) and tell them to make the whole Incredibles family please (ElastiGirl, Dash, Violet and Jack Jack!!!!).....and while they're at it, they can go ahead and make Syndrome too!