Lookit' what them nice folks at HT has decided to give to youse collectors! A PVC transparency....thing.... for us to project the Bat-signal on our walls.....of course you gotta have a flashlight handy on your hands first! Not really necessary but a nice touch nevertheless. On the other hand, I can see why a number of fanboys are grumbling over this latest pic of the Bat...his belt is all wrong, it's not freakin' fluorescent yellow fer God's sake! The preview pictures released by HT back in Aug '11 had the right colour scheme......the belt is supposed to be 'gold' in colour! Come on Hot Toys.....are you purposely doing this? Do you even read what the fans are saying/commenting?
I was on the fence with this one (am gonna get the Jack Nicholson Joker for sure!!!).....but this latest 'error' is further swaying me away from bursting my wallet for it!