It's that time of the year again. This is when yours truly usually pledges to reduce certain 'over-addiction' towards a particular toy-line and foray into other plastic addictions for a change. You see, usually after a year of collecting, I'd probably realise that over the span of the past 12-months or so, my collection had skewed enormously (and subconciously) towards a certain type of toy-line. Well, 2011 had definitely been the year of MOTU Classics for me (though there were sporadic purchases of Star Wars, DC Directs and Transformers once in a while). Since Matty had given us most of the core characters already, it's safe to say that I'd be less investing into the MOTU Classics line this year me thinks.
I've already set my mind (and wallet too I hope!) into procuring those four 12-inch figures you see in the picture collage above. These had caught my attention thus far and I believe there will definitely be more superb 1/6th figures coming our way soon in view that many excellent movies e.g. The Dark Knight Rises & The Avengers are poised to hit the cinemas middle of this year. Setting your mind and wallet to buy 1/6th figures can only mean one thing....there'd be less purchases from the 3.75", 6" and 'other scale' departments. Shouldn't be too hard to achieve though....I mean, the toy-lines that I really, really want to collect are either hard to come by (unless you choose to bestow your hard earned money upon the dreaded 'scal-pors') or they are virtually non-existent on retail shelves over here in Malaysia (due to lack of distribution in these part of the region).
Recently I thought to myself that perhaps it's time to venture back into the 1/6th collecting bug, having avoided it almost completely for almost a year (I only had ONE single 12" figure flowing into my collection for the past 12-months and that's saying something!). Coincidently, many cool figures are slated to be previewed/released this year, so it couldn't get any timely-er than now to jump back into the scale!
I have another good reason to start collecting 12-inchers again though. The picture below represent among the only few remaining Hot Toys figure that I still have in my collection. I sold off most of my HT figures sometime back, most notably my TDK figures (Bats & BR Joker) to make ends meet during my 'depression' era (, but I vow to get a new Bats (and probably add Bane too while I'm at it) for my collection soon enough. 2012 is gonna be a 'rebuilding' time for my 1/6th collection.
Aight, geeky resolutions aside, let's take a quick peek at my recent geeky haul for the past couple o' weeks:
Thanos & Adam Warlock: Marvel Greatest Battles Comic Pack - Come to think of it, I didn't really want this comic pack in the beginning, but my wife was so impressed with the sculpt on Adam Warlock, she finally got me this excellent 2-figure pack. I already have Thanos (from the single-carded version) but I reckon this one is different enough with its new paint app and such. Getting a major discount on the set further sweetened the I guess it was a no-brainer deal too!
MOTU Classics Snout Spout & Wind Raider - Honestly, I do not have any fond memories of ol' Hose Nose or Snout Spout save for a few occasion in the cartoon series where I remembered him doing some good deeds as a fringe character supporting the main cast of the protagonists. But I gotta admit, he does add colour and bring balance to the overall colour and look of the existing MOTU Classics ensemble. I never really planned to get Wind Raider truthfully speaking. I kinda dig the packaging art but that was it for me back then.....right up until the people over at managed to spew their 'geek-venom' and convinced me to snag the vehicle....LOL!
The Sounds of Star Wars - Always wanted to get this when I first saw this many many months ago at Kinokuniya but the original price tag of RM179.90 (that's about USD60 for us Malaysians to cough up!) detered me. So when my wife saw this on sale (was only RM49.90 or a mere USD16!) at our favourite book wholesaler store, it was a no-brainer decision! Real cool book this is! Ya' get to hear all the sounds from the Star Wars universe and read how Ben Burtt (the uber geek sound engineer responsible for all those familiar sounds you hear from the SW movies) derived those from his creative use of 'mix-and-mesh' method of sound editing technique. Recommended!!!
Here's a quick pic of my last haul for 2011. Didn't expect to get anything out of my 'stroll' at the nearby weekly flea market on the last day of '11. But somehow ended up getting a bargain...snagged the 'classic Adam West' Bats below (DC Universe) and those two figure bases for a mere USD I guess it's a pretty neat ending to a very geeky 2011!
Okie dokie, have a great collecting year ahead guys! I'll see you guys in my next post. This is me signing off today.....Excelsior!