Toy sightings: The Dark Knight Rises Movie Masters...

Toy sighting: Movie Masters "The Dark Knight Rises"

Found these popping out at various retail outlets already. Heard that Alfred was a rarer figures among them all.....heck he's rumoured to be even harder to find than Bane himself i.e. at only 1 per case! Not the case (pardon the pun!) here in Malaysia.......Bane is disappearing faster than the rest of the characters. Nobody gives a @#$ about Michael Caine.

Our only grouse? These are a tad bit expensive here in about USD33 a pop in retail!


Willy's Toys said…
I just got the Bane. Last one in the entire store!
am much prefer to wait for Hot Toys version...there goes my money again...
The Rebel said…
Willy - the distribution is just nuts. Out of 4 TRUs that I went to, only 1 had Bane.....that's just how hard it is to get him.

Asrul - yea, I'm anxious to see how the HT figure turns out too. Though I doubt that TDKR will ever trounce The Avengers in terms of worldwide ticket sales....Make Mine Marvel!!1 =)