I'm back...with a little bit of plastic crack in hand...


My oh my.....it's been a good one and a half months since I last posted anything here. Been amassing some stuff during those 'sabbatical' period (and I still haven't picked up several more 'pre-order' items from my 'pushers' too). A lot has happened in the past 60 days or so....some were very welcoming indeed....and some were....shall we say, 'unpleasant' to say the least.....LOL. 'Neways, I hope to be back writing stuff for The Rebel Page. I've been out for so long I even forgot the exact url to type in the address bar (hey, didn't I save the address in my favourite list?!). 

haul Aug '12

So let's welcome the return of yours truly back into the blogging scene by taking a sneak peek into what have I amassed during the past 60 days:

- Masters of The Universe' Spikor, Horde Prime, Megator & Griffin
- Transformers Generations' Autobot Springer
- Matty Collector's Green Lion (Voltron) & Pidge
- DC Eaglemoss Red Tornado
- Hasbro 3.75" Movie Avenger Mark VII Iron Man, Hawkeye & Black Widow
- Star Wars VOTC Darth Vader (w/blue electric thingy!), A New Hope Darth Vader (w/killer articulations!) & The 'Lost Wave's Bespin Leia
- Marvel Universe's Beast


desmond said…
Bro, you have scored a lot of good stuff..Keep collecting!!
The Rebel said…
Thks Adrian + Des...sometimes it pays to be away for a while....LOL.

Now I gotta shake my 'lazy' mode off to ensure I don't lose momentum again =p