Ok, we've 'survived' the apocalypse AND X-Mas. That's that......LOL.
Up next is my take on the excellent Marvel Universe She-Hulk figure from Wave 19. Now, as you've probably heard me saying before, this one's been short-packed together with the Scarlet Witch figure which I've reviewed earlier. Seriously, after all this while, you'd thought that Hasbro would have learnt their lesson and produce more of the 'popular' characters and not let fans and collectors run around like fools to check whether their local TRUs and local retail stores in their neck of the woods have received the latest wave of Marvel Universe. Worst of it all, most of us fell prey to them darn scalpers. For the record I haven't even seen Cable, Professor X or Jubilee on the pegs anywhere yet in Malaysia. So what gives Hasbro? The same goes for Star Wars figures....bl**dy shortpacked! Frustrating time to be a collector in Malaysia...and I believe many more collectors around the globe feel the same too. There is simply no logic in it....when a toy company wants to make profit, they simply produce MORE of what the fans/collector demand.....and not the other way around. Ain't it? Don't need to be a freakin' economist to figure that one out!
Anyway, back to She-Hulk.......
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The packaging offers nothing new to us 'veteran' Marvel Universe collectors. Hey, unless you've been living in a cave since the demise of the old 'Legends line and completely missed the launch of the (then) weird lookin' melon-head action figures (remember THAT Punisher figure??) from Wave 1 all those years ago.....then this should be a very exciting time for you......
At the back of the card is the bio on the character in question. Pretty lenghty. These are really contrast to the ones on the new 'Legends packaging.....those were like a 'one-liner' kinda bio (if you can call 'em that). Anyway, who does actually read all of these anymore eh? Chances are you'd search for info on these characters through wikipedia or somethin now ain't it?
Anyway, before I start rambling on the action figure itself.....let me just utter my dissatisfaction (again) on the lack of 'accessories' that is very evident with the current Marvel Universe releases. Gone were the days where Hasbro used to give us unique figure stands with personalised character name and serial number. Heck, those even came with the character card inserted inside that envelope/file thingy together with a 'hand-written' notes written by Nick Fury and later Norman Osborn (when SHIELD passes its baton to HAMMER) assessing every each of the characters' profile and personality. THOSE were cool.....and nowadays we'd just have to be content with the so-called 'collectible' comic-shots...which just turns out to be a small scale reproduction of the (randomly chosen) comic book cover where the characters made their (iconic) appearances. Bummer.....really.
Thankfully, the figure DOES NOT suck nor disappoint. So that takes away the pain of being ripped-off for not getting any accessories......well, not all.....but a bit. She-Hulk here utilizes a new 'female buck' to represent muscular sized female superheroes. So I'm guessing this will be re-used to create future 'bigger' female MU characters such as Titania or Valkerie etc. The new sculpt is excellent as it highlights the muscular tone of the character yet it still retains the 'femininity' of the character. Way to go Hasbro....at least ya' got something right.....LOL.
The metallic purple and the glossy white on her suit/bikini suit looks great! I'm usually against plastic cast in the colour in which they're supposed to represent but in this instance She-Hulk's skin and hair looks good. The hair is even washed with light-green highlight. If I can recall properly, she wore those white boots during the World War Hulk storyline....otherwise she'd be in her oversized sneakers.
Articulation wise....She-Hulk has 29 POAs! I mean, she's lacking the waist articulation but hey.....she's flexible enough it'll make you forget about the waist.
This is how She-Hulk/Jeniffer Walters look like in the comics aka her 'modern' comic-book look. You DEFINITELY need her to complete your 3.75" Avengers team! I'm actually impressed on how Hasbro has come a long way since the abysmal 1st wave (dang, I still can't get over the fact that my beloved Punisher character was a melon-head!) and re-defined the way they produce their Marvel Universe figures. The proportions are evidently much better nowadays and the female characters are getting better and better.
THE REBEL says.....get her NOW......if you can still find her sitting pretty on the pegs waiting just for you that is. Otherwise there's always eVilbay.....heheh.