Some stuff I found (and snagged) recently.....

el purchaso 8 Dec '12

There were some hits and misses earlier this month when I failed to score certain pop-culture items that I had been eyeing for some time (due to some unforeseen circumstances).  Managed to score some stuff (pictured above) to console myself. LOL. My wife even got me those cool 1:24 DeLoreans from the BTTF Trilogy at 20% off.....that's some deal! Have a pile of backlog stuff to snap pictures and talk about, sitting pretty and compounding in the Rebel Vault already. All THAT plus a whole smorgasbord of stuff still waiting to be picked up from my toy pushers. I do hope I have the time to review (at least some of) these some time soon.
On the other hand, I found this variant of the Spidey Movie figure (left) while having my 'on-the-go-lunch' yesterday. This one is supposedly very hard to find (or has it already been released?) in the States. The Amazing Spidey figures are exclusively distributed by Walmart in the States, making it relatively harder to find than most mass retail releases. I found out that the 2nd Wave (which is just a re-release of figures from the 1st Wave PLUS this unmasked Spidey) was actually released here in Malaysia way back in October '12.....funny, coz I didn't come across any on the pegs up till yesterday. Whatever it is, I'm glad I held off from buying the 'regular/masked' version (right). Now I'm contemplating whether to get that 6" Lizard figure to go with this one too.


desmond said…
Glad you got what u wanted...