Looking back: 8" Treebeard from Toybiz...


Here's a random gem of an action figure I recently took out from my vault of yesteryear's toy collection. Okay, so watching The Hobbit not so long ago made me want to re-visit the LOTR collection that has been sitting pretty in several IKEA boxes in storage. I remembered like it was yesterday when these LOTR action figures were easily procured at almost every TRU in town in the early 2000s. Most of the LOTR stuff belongs to me missus. It's great to have such an equally geeky partner in life. That way, I could concentrate on collecting other stuff while she provides cover on the medieval/Tolkien-ish-related stuff!

Honestly, I do not understand why some collectors loathe these awesome figures. Perhaps Toybiz did 'overly' produce the articulations on some of those LOTR figures but overall I think they did a splendid job on the line. They were the 'crown jewel' of most 6" action figure collectors of the time and it still is for most of us.

Biggest regret: NOT picking up the 18" talking Treebeard. Guess I'll just have to hunt for that one on the secondary market if I want one to hold both Merry & Pippin on my display shelf. For the time being....this'll do.

Enjoy the pics.....just too darn lazy to do any reviews on the newer figures in my vault....heheh.

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