The Walking Dead: Merle Dixon...

Merle Dixon

Continuing where I left off with Rick & Shane, today I'm gonna look into one of the 'TV-specific' character created specially for the TV series. By saying this I meant that he does not appear in Rob Kirkman's comic pages but has actually turned into one of the fans' favourite in recent times, especially in light of Season 3's finale. I'm talking about Merle Dixon, brother of Daryl and one-time loyal right-hand man of The Governor. Merle was the anti-hero in AMC's The Walking Dead TV series. While he started off as the irritating racist-bigot in Season 1, he quickly redeemed himself towards the end of Season 3, thus cementing himself into the hearts of many fans and haters alike. As I've mentioned before, getting these 'Dead figures wasn't easy, but I'm glad I was able to secure ol' Merle. The Guv's coming in Series 4 and I wouldn't want him to stand alone without Merle by his side.

The packaging is different from the ones we've seen on Rick and Shane (Series 2) in my previous review. Merle's from Series 3 and he has the 'prison' motive at the top of his packaging. I love the header art as it signals which season each character was prominent in. You can clearly see the accessories that came with the action figure too so I hope McFarlane never have to change this presentation format.

The Walking Dead Series 3: Merle Dixon

The Walking Dead Series 3: Merle Dixon

As I've said before, no personalisation on the cardback. No bios, no character specific descriptions etc. Just pictures of the line-up of Series 3.
The Walking Dead Series 3: cardback

Now, I don't need to rip the action figure out to see that he has an insane likeness to the actor portraying Merle on-screen, Michael Rooker. Once his out though, your disbelief will multiply by two-fold! It's crazy how McFarlane managed to really nail his likeness when they have rather failed to do so with figures in Series 1 and 2. 

Merle Dixon

It's funny to hear people saying what a good actor Michael Rooker is (and I'm sure he IS!) because he appeared in many cult classic films and multiple commendable roles before making his presence in the 'Dead series. But my only real memory of him was through the Mallrats (1995) flick...LOL. You know, the jealous father who happened to be the creator of that dating game show that took place in that Mall? Does anybody even remember this movie by Silent Bob...err...I mean Kevin Smith? I love Kevin Smith's work by the way. Anyway, that was how I instantly recognized Michael Rooker, the dude from Mallrats.
Merle Dixon

Right, let's get back to 'Merle'. The character was fondly remembered having his right arm hacked off Season 1. To this Merle blamed T-Dog (may God rest his soul in peace) and to a certain extent, Rick too. So what did ol' Merle do? Cry over his missing limb? No he didn't. He permanently fixed a knife over where his right hand used to be. Ironic isn't it....The Guv's 'right-hand' man having a 'knife' over his 'right-hand'? Haha (I make a That weapon is excellently re-created by McFarlane here. Just look at all of the details on the weapon.
Merle Dixon

Apart from his permanent weapon on his right hand, Merle also comes with a handgun which obviously, can only be placed in his left hand. There is a holster on Merle's left side of his waist to put the handgun in when not in use.
Merle Dixon

Merle also comes with a.....*drumroll*....ANOTHER knife! Now why would he need another wimpy knife when he already has such a cool one already permamently fixed over his right hand? The knife fits into yet another holster/sheath on his belt. Great touch by McFarlane. Always good to know that you can stow the weapons onto the figure itself rather than placing it somewhere else.
Merle Dixon

Another great addition to Merle's list of accessory is his machine gun. What I love most about it is that it comes with a strap so you can sling it on Merle's shoulder when he's not feeling trigger-happy.
Merle Dixon

When you talk about articulations, Merle's here is definitely miles better than his Series 1 and Series 2 predecessors. I hope McFarlane can maintain this for future figures and not going back to the ways of Series 1 and 2. Those were practically 'semi-statues'. Don't believe me? Take a look at Shane in my previous review.
Merle Dixon

I have no complaints thus far on the paint applications on my 'Dead figures. They have fairly good paint on them with no real slop whatsoever.
Merle Dixon

THE REBEL'S VERDICT: Merle here is an essential addition to your TWD action-figure collection. Your bad-guys line up is gonna look awkward when The Guv appears in Series 4 later in the year. If you choose to display him with the good guys, then you need Daryl. If you happen to miss the one that came in Series 1, you have another chance of snagging Merle's brother in the upcoming 2-pack (also with another Merle albeit different clothings). Whatever it is, Merle is a definite MUST for your TWD display shelf!
Michonne & Merle Dixon
