Ya think Pacific Rim's Kaiju was da bomb?

godzilla teaser 02
SDCC gave us a second teaser poster to the upcoming 2014 Legendary Picture's Godzilla movie. Loving it! I'm still shaken from watching Pacific Rim the other day. As if watching giant mechas battling it out with kaiju wasn't enough, Legendary Picture is taking the kaiju genre into full gear with their NEXT monster movie! After Pacific Rim this year, the classic 'gojira' kaiju gets a make-over (hopefully better than the Roland Emmerich's '98 version) and a re-boot next year.
Both teaser posters are great. The 1st one (below) cleverly utilises building ruins to mimick how the monster 'could' look like without actually exposing anything. Good to see that the monster is staying true to its 'classic' Japanese look. The 2nd poster (above)...well....is simply mind-boggling! Take a look at the scale between the monster's tail and the tiny helicopters hovering around it.
godzilla teaser 01
