I've actually reviewed the Jungle Patrol Dutch (JPD) some months ago. The Jungle Extraction Dutch (JED) came in the same wave too if you can recall. You see, today's Jungle Disguise Dutch has the exact same body mold/buck as those two but this scene-specific incarnation of Dutch has one noticeable difference I think even a 2-year old child can quickly identify. For those familiar with the Predator movie, then I think you already know what I'm talking about. For those uninitiated...well, Arnie's figure over here is covered with mud. He's even called 'Muddy Dutch' by some fans/collectors already. Ya can't get any more obvious than THAT....LOL. For the record, I had this on my list for quite some time now but I never really took the leap and purchased him for my collection. I'd like to give a shout out to my fellow good friend and toy collector Darth Sob for lending me his for today's edition of toy review (actually he was just right next to me during the photo shoot to see whether I'd put a ding or scratch onto his Dutch figure....LOL). So is this version of Dutch worth getting? Read on dear Rebel readers!
"It doesn't see me..."
Technically speaking, since Muddy Dutch here utilises the same body buck as its previous two predecessors, one must be looking forward to the most prominent 'mud cake' that's covering Arnie's body. The mude cake is brilliantly captured by NECA over here and you can clearly see the various leaves and twigs throughout his 'camouflaged' look. Articulation wise, this figure has a ton of articulation (20 to be exact) so you'd have a fun time posing him in various poses imaginable! The paint is evenly applied with no slop...err, wait a minute, the figure has mud all over it...of course he's 'sloppy' lookin! Haha. But seriously, this is one top-notch quality action figure with an excellent paint job even with all that 'mud' covering him.
Some fans/collectors are already complaining that NECA has really milked the line a little bit too far by churning out endless versions of Dutch (have you also heard that the 'rainbow/heat-sensor Dutch' is coming out in the next wave?) but nobody's really asking you to be a completist now ain't it? You buy what you like/need. Like me, I'm pretty content with my JP Dutch and honestly I'd rather wait for NECA to give us the rest of his team mates to battle them Predators....but you mileage may vary. Whatever it is, kudos to NECA for giving us such fine action figures and only charging us a fraction of what some toy companies are charging us (*cough*....Matty Collector.....*cough*).
"If it bleeds, we can kill it!"
Muddy Dutch came with a smorgasbord of accessories. I've only snapped pictures of him holding his torch and DIY bow in my pictures for today's review. He also came with a bunch of spears (one of 'em even has a mortar attached to it...sweet!) and arrows but technically those had minimal/no screen time, hence I didn't really bother to snap some pictures of those. This piece of movie fact has been confirmed by Darth Sob himself! You can google those if you're interested to see them. NECA has produced a great set of accessories here (very detailed I must say!) and you definitely can find other uses for them in your future dioramas and such.
"Hey....over here!"
I personally love the torch, it has a great 'fire' effect. I'd definitely use this in future dioramas (pending of course the approval of its owner....*shucks*). Anyway, I'm not exactly sure if you can find any other uses for Muddy Dutch here except for any Predator-specific dioramas but you may have a better imagination than me. Perhaps you can imagine that this version of Dutch is the evil-twin version of himself, aligning his allegiance with the Predator race etc etc....let your imagination run wild!
THE REBEL'S VERDICT: Like I said before, this Muddy Dutch might not be everyone's cup of tea especially for those who only wants a 'definitive' version of any given action figure. But we should thank NECA for producing such an excellent scene-specific character even though I kinda agree with some that the upcoming 'rainbow Dutch' might have just pushed it a wee bit too far. At the relatively low price-point of this is a no-brainer purchase for most collector I reckon. For those of you already having the previous versions (JED or JPD) you might not want this but again, to each his own eh? Make no mistake, this is one helluva good action figure with a good set accessories plus it still has that insane Arnie likeness we've seen in its two predecessors. Highly recommended...but not necessarily necessary for most.