A second look at The Dark Knight Rises...

The Dark Knight vs Bane
My 5-year old recently caught the 'Nolan Batman' bug by watching the trilogy films while inevitably asking his astonished 'ol man for his Movie Masters action figure collection at the same time. For a kid presumably too young to tell the difference between good cinematic movies (Nolan's trilogy) and crappy post-Burton Batman flicks, the boy was quick to give comments like 'How come Bane looks more scary in this movie than the one with Poison Ivy?'. He later commented that he preferred the 'non-armoured' Bat-suit rather than what Bale wore in the 2nd and 3rd Nolan flicks.....*astonished*. Anyway, it made me determined to sit through The Dark Knight Rises once again to give it a second look. You see, as I've mentioned before, I think the Avengers movie was miles better than all 3 Nolan flicks put together. But that's just me....you may disagree with my notion. Re-watching 'Rises again with my son was clearly a better experience for me than the first time I caught it on the big screen last year. Funny how lately my perceptions on things are constantly changed by that little man of mine. Next generation of geek well on his way. All's well in the world today!
