Jakks Pacific 31" Star Wars figures FOUND....

Jakks Pacific 31" Star Wars figures

Yup, found 'em in TRU a couple of days ago. They're supposedly under USD30, but I never bothered what price my local TRUs are slapping them with. They're freakin' huge....that I can tell ya. I've even placed that 3.75" TBS Scout Trooper at the feet of the 501st Clone Trooper for size comparison purposes. The thing is, they're basically blown up versions of the 5-POA Saga Legends figures. I would totally buy this...IF I was a restaurateur needing an ornamental centerpiece for my Star Wars-themed premises' display section OR a specialty toy/comic store owner needing a vintage looking display piece for my display window.


Dash MacBastard said…
Nice! I've only seen the Vader here in the States so far. I'm loving that Shocktrooper...
Anonymous said…
I had a friend who has a Costco membership get me the Costco version Vader with the extra hand with ignited Lightsabre and the electronic sound effects chestbox. What a deal for $25!
The Rebel said…
Dash - Nice to hear from you man! Yea, everybody seems to be buying Vader over here....leaving the 'Troopers on the shelves.
The Rebel said…
Anonymous - Wow....$25 for that giant Vader? Quite a deal indeed.