Yea...yea...before I go any further, I wish to say that I do realize that Artoo here is labeled as #4 in the 6" The Black Series ("TBS") lineup. Well, I didn't say that I was gonna review them in sequence now did I? I just felt that R2-D2 is the only logical follow up to the Luke figure I reviewed a couple of days ago. I think many collectors were indeed surprised that we got Artoo so early on in the series but for me it was kinda expected really. Now it makes me even more determined to see the proto 6" C3-P0 figure from Hasbro! With just mere weeks till Series 2 figures eventually end up in my pile of loot, I felt that there is a pressing need to finish off my take on the Series 1 offerings. So let's take a look at figure #4....
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The packaging is the same a we've seen on Luke. I like it when a window packaging gives us a peek into everything. No hidden stuff or surprises here folks. What you see is what you'd get.
Here's what really tickled me. Since all Artoo can say is just ...well, beeps and more beeps, Hasbro even threw in his 'best quote' from Episode IV underneath his short bio at the back of the packaging. Really nice touch here by Hasbro...if you can understand 'beeps' that is! Hahaha......
Once you get him out of his packaging, you'll be immediately amazed at just how......err....wonky his legs turned out to be. I'm sorry, I just can't help it but notice that his legs were a bit warped...perhaps due to the excessive force exercised by them folks at the Hasbro packaging factory while placing him inside his plastic tray.
I'm serious. I spent some time 'correcting' his legs so they don't seem THAT far apart from his body.
Anyway, once you're past the 'wonky legs' issue, you're all alright.
Actually to get his 3rd leg down, you'd have to turn his dome (goodness, I can't even remember whether it's clockwise/anti-clockwise) until the 3rd leg slowly comes down into place.
Here's all the stuff Artoo came with. He has two (2) sets side panels which you just snap in place on his both legs. One is the normal set of panel and the other is his 'rocket' panel set. If you're a fan of the prequels, then you'd know what I mean. Artoo was flying in the darn prequels fer God's sake!
Anyway, coming back to his accessories, he also came with two(2) antennas which are really his sensor/radar/periscope(??!) thingy. There's also Luke's lightsaber from ROTJ which he ejected from Jabba's sail barge right before the Pit of Carkoon massacre.
Here's Artoo with his side rockets on.
You can actually remove the three (3) panels on the top of Artoo's dome and you'll immediately see three empty slots.
You can either opt to place the three 'attachments' separately on his dome like so......
...and so.....
Or you could also go nuts and place both attachments at one go.
What about the lightsaber you say? I can imagine the fan reaction on this particular Artoo now that he's able to hold and re-enact that scene at the Pit of Carkoon. Surely a ROTJ Luke isn't far off now ain't it Hasbro?
How about ALL 3 accessories at once?
THE REBEL'S VERDICT: I can't imagine a Star Wars collection without an R2-D2 or C3-P0, so that's telling you how much I recommend you to get him if you're into these new 6" TBS Star Wars figures. At the point of writing this, Artoo's pretty much clogging up the TRU shelves here in Malaysia since most scal...I mean, collectors...seem to be picking up the Sandtrooper and Darth Maul at will. There's still hope yet for you to find him at most retailers or TRUs over at wherever you are, I'm sure of it. Artoo's a definite purchase for me....I can't wait to get Threepio soon!