Some haul for October....

haul end Oct

Hauled in some stuff late last month but I was seriously caught up with work (both officially and 'un-officially') that I forgot that snap some pics of them. In fact I only had this up on my flickr page on Nov 4 and that was only because my better half asked me about 'em. LOL.

I guess my main purchase this month was the sixth scale Movie Avengers Hulk from Hot Toys. You see, the store from which I pre-ordered him from only got their stock of the green giant only recently, well after the rest of the world received them. Better late than never I guess....or something like that....*shucks*. 

I've also picked up my MOTU Classics Castaspella but it's really Mantenna and the ridiculously under-produced 2-pack Horde Troopers that I'm really waiting for. That's gonna come sometime mid-Nov I reckon (thank you snail-mail!).

My wife picked up that two Hot Wheels but it's really that '55 Chevy Bel Air Gasser that caught my attention.

Last but not least, a local book store near our place had some sort of a 'hardcover comics clearance' thing going on. They had two cabinets of Marvel TPBs on major discounts so my wife picked those 3 up. They were just RM25 - RM30 (or approximately USD 8 - USD10) each.

That's pretty much it for Oct.
