Undeniably, Episode 5 is Hershel's show! The man's a living proof in an 'un-dead' world that with a little faith, nothing is impossible. Hershel's been attending to the sick without any regard to his own health but the man has been nothing but 'untouched' by the deadly flu outbreak. Now that's courage and real heroism to me. The world as we know it may be infested by obvious gruesome terror i.e. the walkers and a certain one-eyed terrorist but the internal threat is the one's that been keeping us on our toes in Season 4 thus far.
It's really stressful to watch Glenn finally collapsing due to the flu and we immediately get reminded that even Robert Kirkman himself constantly saying that no one is safe in the series. That got many hearts pumping I bet! But he survived nonetheless due to an intervention by his better half Maggie (Hershel's pretty grateful that his daughter broke into the quarantine area too despite his warnings).
What I love next from the episode is the family bonding time between Rick and Carl via their trigger happy session during the night. You just can't deny that look in Rick's face when he realised that he was wrong all this time and he should've let Carl be that responsible person that he's grown into. I'm looking forward to more 'gun action' from the two in future episodes. They look like they're having a fun quality time together. They really do.
Daryl and gang timely arrival from ther medicine run proved crucial to stop even more deaths in the prison. This is one of the episodes where we didn't get to see action from the regular 'tough guy' characters aka Daryl or Michonne but instead the writers chose to explore Hershel's character development (how he emotionally lost a fellow medicine practitioner during the episode) and the great bonding of a father and his son.
The episode closes with a teaser of what's coming in the following episodes and I bet this is what most fans have been waiting for all season long. It's great to see the bad guy returning albeit a few brief seconds in the end but the teaser trailer of Episode 6 sets the mood of a triumphant return of the Guv'. I even read somewhere that the writers are gonna do a back story for him as per the 'Rise of the Governor' novel. I think that's a brilliant move. Bring on Episode 6 and beyond!