My (end) Feb - April loot....

Ok, what better way to announce the return of yours truly back into the blogging-sphere than to share the list of stuff I've accumulated since end-February '14 till date. Being busy with my day job obviously didn't stop me from indulging myself with plastic 'crack' every now and then for the past couple of months. I'll get into reviewing each and every one of them eventually (I hope) but for now let's just take a quick view of the whole lot shall we? FYI I do not have a 'bottom-less' wallet. These stuff were acquired over a period of 2-and-a-half months and definitely not all at one go. My family and I needed to eat too ya' know...LOL.

#1 Hot Wheels

My wife and I decided to cut down on the generics and concentrate on the movie/TV series/cartoon-related vehicles. Managed to score some really rare ones here thanks to a couple of collector buddies.

New Hot Wheels in da house... #thesimpsons #theflintstones #geekshavethemostfun #geekology

Volkswagen Beetle: Love Bug
USS Enterprise: NCC-1710

The Jetsons - Capsule Car

#2 LEGO minifigures

My son's really picking up his LEGO minifig collecting pace in the past couple or weeks. I'm just happy to tag along the ride and snap some pictures!

New Lego minifigs acquisitions.... #geekshavethemostfun

Lego minifig haul...Nick Fury & Catwoman! #Lego #geekology #geekshavethemostfun #ilhanology

#3 Transformers Generation Autobot Skids

Well that's quite a mouthful! Why the heck is Hasbro labeling everything 'Autobot's.....'....or 'Marvel's....' these days? Are they unable to defend their intellectual properties lately? Anyway, Skids appeared in the original G1 cartoon series...and most people know how much of a G1-nut I can be. 'Nuff said.

Autobot Skids

#4 Masters of The Universe Classics

The Rebel not buying MOTU Classics is like Stan Lee not making cameos in his Marvel live action movies! For me the MOTU Classics line is nearing its end with the almost-completion of the 'core' members line-up. I'm only interested to get those that I remember from the cartoon series (and to some extent the mini-comics) and some of the 'New Adventures' characters it's gonna be interesting to see if I get sucked into buying more MOTU Classics figures as against what I've planned to this year and beyond.

Two Bad: Double-headed Evil Strategist
Sea Hawk: Heroic Etherian Pirate

Glimmer: The Guide Who Lights The Way

Modulok: Evil Beast of A Thousand Bodies

#5 Marvel Legends Infinite: Captain America

I gotta admit, I didn't give a hoot about the BAF Mandroid figure. I just wanted to collect every and each figure in the series including the impossible to find Black Widow (bl*** Hasbro shortpacked the figure to only 1-per-case hence inevitable starting a scalper war!). I love Marvel Legends anytime over the smaller 'Universe scale figures so gettin' these into my collection was mandatory, especially when the wave has updated versions of Red Skull and Captain America. Winter Soldier from the new Cap movie is also included. A red-hot wave not to be missed by any 'Legends collector!

Marvel Legends Infinite Series: Captain America Wave 1

Marvel Legends Infinite Series: Captain America Wave 1

Captain America
Winter Soldier

Black Widow

#6 Marvel Legends Infinite: Spider Man 

Whaddya know? I have every single figure off this wave too....variants included! I didn't post pictures of the whole lot of figures but I thought of letting everyone know that the hardest to find were the 'ladies' of the wave i.e. Black Cat (as pictured below) and her variant Spider Girl. Another piece of confession....I was actually more looking forward to this wave's BAF aka Ultimate Green Goblin than the Cap wave BAF. I would've had sleepless nights had I failed to acquire this wave. Totally glad I did.

Skyline Sirens: Black Cat

#7 Sixth scale action figures: Hot Toys' Man of Steel & Sideshow's Darth Malgus

My foray into the sixth scale geekdom is off to a fine start this year. I'm still waiting for my Deluxe Darth Vader at the point of writing this but I'd like to say that I've already gotten my hands on the two (2) that I've been anticipating since they were announced sometime last year.

Hot Toys: MMS200 Man of Steel - Superman
Sideshow Collectibles Sixth Scale Darth Malgus

#8 The LEGO Movie sets

Totally one of the coolest movie thus far this year. Bought these two for my son. He was naturally ecstatic. Everything is awesome! Also bought him 10 out of the 12-minifigure blind-bag set. I've already snapped a considerable amount of pictures of these. Will get them posted on the blog soon. You can always go to my flickr page to see them now if you wish too.

Cloud Cuckoo Palace

Lord Business' Evil Lair

#9 Kreo Micro Changers

Here's something that my wife had recently gotten herself into. How can you NOT want these adorable G1 Transformers?! I had my reservations too but they're also starting to grow on me.

Kre-O Micro Changers - collection 2 & 3

#10 Playmobil

My late father used to buy me heaps of these Playmobil figures and sets when I was a kid. These things have been popping up at selected retail outlets recently and I thought that it'll be cool to go all nostalgic and get these for my son too! These are cool even by today's standard...and that's  really something considering that they've barely changed since the world first saw them 30-40 years ago! My favourite thus far has got to be the 'astronauts'.

Playmobil bug #geekshavethemostfun #geekology #ilhanology

#11 Daryl Dixon Deluxe set

I missed the original Daryl figure from Wave 1 and I even decided to skip the Dixon Brothers box-set ever since this deluxe set was announced. Obviously this figure has tonnes of improvements over Daryl v1. and that bike is just an icing on the cake. I can't wait to open this up once the rest of my Series 5 figures arrive at my doorstep. This is a no-brainer MUST HAVE in any true TWD fans' collection.

Daryl Dixon with Bike

#12 NECA's ED-209

NECA has certainly became one of my most favourite action-figure producing company as of late. They've been consistently giving us collectors mind-blowing offerings (I also got close to snagging those irresistable Pacific Rim figures!) and 'Eddie' here was one of the highly anticipated ones from their movie-line. This one has officially become my favourite piece from NECA thus far (or at least until the 'Aliens' power loader comes into my collection that is).

NECA ED-209 - Robocop movie

#13 Hellboy with Ivan the Corpse

I've been hunting this one down at a decent price since forever. Ever since I got my hands on the elusive Kroenen figure some months back, my immediate attention was diverted to finding this set for my Hellboy display shelf. A seller was disposing his movie-Hellboy figure collection on-line and he was willing enough to accept a reduced bid on his figures. I didn't care about the battered clamshell packaging though. The contents were well-preserved and that was enough for me.

Hellboy with Ivan the Corpse

#14 Tradepaperbacks

My love for anything-Hellboy prompted me to snag the 'Hellboy: The first 20 Years' TPB. Hey, it was going at 20% off too at that! How can I not want this?

Hellboy: The First 20 Years #geekshavethemostfun  #hellboy #mikemignola

Just like the 'Y: The Last Man' graphic novels, I was a late into buying these excellent TPBs. Word is that Fables is probably gonna be turned into a TV series ala 'AMC's The Walking Dead' I think I would want to digest the source material first before that happens. While I'm at it, why not grab the spin-off series (Fairest) too?

Late into the game...readin' DC Vertigo's Fables & Fairest Vol. 1. Better late than never I always say! #DCcomics #vertigo #comics #tradepaperback

#15 Captain America: Winter Soldier 'shield' keychain

It just look so darn cool. What more compelling reasons do you need to get this already? LOL.

GSC Cinemas Captain America: Winter Soldier keychain shield


desmond said…
Bro, you got lots of new stuff..Look forward to see your reviews on these :)
That's quite the list- Excelsior!
Combo said…
I got that Daryl with a Chopper that I'm gonna take out from its box soon. You got some really awesome new stuff, man!