Great to see an X-Wing in Episode VII....

 Like so many other Original Trilogy sucka’, I get giddy every time pieces of information or teaser leak out from JJ Abrams’ production blog for his Episode VII project. It’s great to see that the iconic starfighter is stayin’ mostly true to how it looked like in the original trilogy. I love the fact that there's a pilot climbing into the X-Wing!!!I am also stoked to learn that a supposedly ‘opening plot’ had leaked out and that the film could start off with a couple of guys stumbling across Luke’s severed hand (refer Empire Strikes Back) and purportedly sets off to find its ‘owner’. True or otherwise, this has just sent an euphoric feeling throughout the geek fandom worldwide. It’s gonna be a painful wait....all 15-months of it!!!


Marisa said…
this was awesome thank you for sharing it :)