I'm still buzzing from the completion of my Combiner Wars (CW) Superion a couple of days ago. Inevitably my attention diverted towards securing the next 'central' figure for the next combiner 'bot i.e. Menasor! I previously bought Silverbolt first before the rest of his Aerialbots buddies. So naturally I had to hunt down Motormaster aka the 'middle body part' of Menasor first before getting any of his Stunticons team members into my collection. Motormaster is supposedly harder to find than Silverbolt (for some reasons I can't fathom) but as of yesterday I have been reading updates on the local TF fb page that he has been seen in some retail outlets, although in smaller quantities than Silverbolt. My better half got me one from a nearby retailer (the only one left on the pegs!) amongst a sea of Silverbolts.
He's a repaint of the recently released 'Prime from wave 1 of the CW series (I don't get the concept of making Prime as the 'central' figure of a combiner 'bot!). Usually I don't really fancy repaints but my insatiable urge to have Menasor to stand side by side with Superion quickly put that issue to rest. This Motormaster is however not the one we remembered from the 'Vector Sigma episodes. What I mean is that he doesn't exactly look like the one which appeared in the cartoon series. You see, the Decepticons hijacked a truck with a trailer attached to it but this version of Motormaster is only a truck cab. Again I am not really complaining but just a mere grouse. It makes you wonder why Optimus Prime wasn't able to incorporate his trailer into his 'bot mode. Motormaster on the other hand....wait a minute, weren't his truck cab only his feet part? In terms of logical size comparison, this should mean that Prime only transforms to about the size of Motormaster's ankles! LOL. (whatever, scale matters not in the TF universe anyway as we all know).
Anyway, Motormaster deserves a blog post on his own as I think he is one of the most bad-a** Decepticons of them all. Sadly in toy form, most of these individual combiner 'bots will be displayed 'combined' by most collectors. Each and every of these Stunticons deserved to be displayed on their own (ok I don't have the whole team yet...but I've seen pictures damn it!) so it's shame that they won't get as much display time that they truly deserve.
So here's till next time. Hopefully I can already get to assemble Menasor the next time I blog about Transformer toys!