'Armor Up' Star Wars action figures....

Armor Up Kylo Ren

Armor Up Boba Fett

A lot of criticisms have been thrown towards the 'new' 5-point of articulations action figures produced by Hasbro lately. I mean, why would they diss hundreds of thousands of collectors worldwide by reverting back to the POA of yesteryear i.e. circa 1977? You already have the superbly articulated Black Series line so why the step back? They insisted that the 5-POAs were aimed at children and that adult collectors should go for the Black Series instead. Whatever it is, I think that the 5-POAs are a great nod to the original retro figures and some say that they go hand-in-hand with the current ReAction 5-POA action figures.

Whatever your take on these (very) basic action figures, I gotta admit that look cool anyway with their superb sculpt and above average paint job. The single carded 'The Force Awakens' figures were practically swiped clean here in Malaysia during Force Friday thus many had to resort into buying the deluxe or 'Armor Up' versions instead. They are ridiculously priced and it is unacceptable for Hasbro to mark up the price just because the figures came with a non-movie backpack accessory as the pack-in. Whatever.

If I can draw one positive from the marked up deluxe figures is that I totally dig the packaging art of the deluxe figures (always in for handpainted character images). 5-POA Boba Fett and Kylo Ren here are both for my son but that ain't gonna stop me from borrowing them for future photo shoots right? Hehe....
