The Force Awakens' character posters...

I love these! Really builds up the anticipation.

Once again Disney/Lucasfilm toys with our emotions. Where is Luke Skywalker?

Great to see both Han and Leia back in the limelight.

That's Disney drumming it into our heads that Finn will be THE lightsaber-wielding character to watch for in the movie. Ain't Luke gonna be holding one? We'll see soon enough.

Rey holding up her staff towards her face? Ok we get it....she's a 'nobody' cum scavenger. LOL.

Kylo holding up his red lightsaber? Looks menacing!

I wish these could be made into hardcopies because I'd love to have these....or at least a collage of these on my 'geek room' wall. (Wait a minute, ain't all my SW movie posters on my living room wall? Haha).
