Han Solo DL-44 Blaster made easy!

The #lazertag #hansolo #dl44blaster custom paint project is complete. A big shout out to my better half for becoming the hand model for this finished product  #starwarsmalaysia #starwarsfanboysmalaysia #cozwearegeekslikedat #geekshavethemostfun

I finally did it. Finally a decent looking Han Solo DL-44 blaster gun is in my hands!

Back in 1997, a company called Tiger Electronics produced the Star Wars Lazertag game set. Actually I'm not even sure if it can be called a 'game set'. Tiger Electronics have in fact produced the Lazertag guns before they produced the superb DL-44 blasters aka Han Solo's laser gun in '97. To those not in the know, Lazertag is a game where at least two participants are needed to take each other our via an electronic laser aiming mechanism which is strapped on each person's chest. You have 10 'lives' each and each time your opponent blast you directly on your chest targeting device, you lose 1 life and so on so forth until one of you exhaust the 10 lives limit (that's when your chest device lets out a blaring alarm to indicate your loss!). Simple isn't it? In some countries there are also Lazertag tournaments where more than 2 persons compete against each other, often in teams.

Game on! #lazertag #starwars #starwarsmalaysia #80s #90s #geekshavethemostfun #ilhanology

I didn't get the Lazertag Star Wars Edition in 1997. I got it through a clearance sale held by a local audio/video store sometime earlier this year on the cheap. And when I say cheap I really do mean cheap. In fact it was too cheap, in the beginning I thought I was about to buy a counterfeit product. The box had 1997 printed on it so I take it these were produced way back then, 18 years ago to be exact. I had fears that the electronics won't work but thankfully they did.

A couple of days ago I finally started the project which I envisioned many months ago. Actually it was my dear son's idea to convert the obvious DL-44 blasters to look like the real thing i.e. by slapping it some paint. Glad I finally found the time to do it.

Game on! #lazertag #starwars #starwarsmalaysia #80s #90s #geekshavethemostfun #ilhanology
