Hey everyone...have you guys seen that OLD movie, The Empire Strikes Back?

"Hey everyone. Have you guys seen that old movie, #theempirestrikesback ?"  Sorry. Still in #captainamericacivilwar mood....haha. #starwars #tomhollandspiderman #avengers #teamironman #atat #hoth #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse

*A bit of a spoiler from the Captain America: Civil War movie.....turn back now if you haven't seen it yet. You have been warned...haha*

It's nice of Spidey to have referred to ESB in the middle of that battle scene at the airport. I guess since Disney kinda owns everything (Marvel + Star Wars), they can freely cross-refer stuff from one universe to another. It makes sense too because taking down Giant-Man is as fun as the Snowspeeder taking down that AT-AT in the opening battle scene in ESB.

When a movie from my childhood is finally referred to as 'OLD', then you ARE old. 'Nuff said.
