Two things.
1) I usually don’t give a hoot about ‘movie’ action figures except when it’s an absolute must have version (there would be rare occasions when movie versions trounced comic versions) or when there aren’t any choices left for my display shelf. You see, when my OCD kicks in then there’d be no stopping me from getting my hands on the ML figure that I want, even if it’s indeed a movie action figure. Black Panther here falls into both categories. I have the previous Toybiz and Hasbro versions but most people will realize that the new ‘Panther figure just screams pure awesomeness in all its simplicity therefore you just gotta have him. Plus you’d get two headsculpts!
Yup, cool figure….provided that you’ve successfully track him down first.
To make things worse, in Malaysia we have the evergreen problem of scalpers picking up the high-demanded/most-wanted figures clean off retail shelves before any of you real collectors could even step foot inside those particular shipping malls. Hasbro Malaysia has also taken the liberty to slap a ridiculous price point on the ML figures these days. One Marvel Legends figures in Malaysia will set you back for RM139.90 or approx USD35 at retail. Some say that Hasbro is not at fault here because of the forex turbulence and stuff like that but I just don’t buy it. Sad to say that I’d never complete that sweet Ant-Man BAF anytime soon because I’m not in any hurry to part with that amount of money for ONE 6" action figure.
2) This marked my first Marvel Legends purchase since…….err…..some time ago. Apart from the exorbitant price point I’d say that the unavailability of these ML on a widespread basis here in Malaysia really dampened my spirit to continue.
Having said all of the above, I think I made a right decision to purchase ‘Panther even though I might also go back to get Nick Fury later. Darn, I hope I don't get sucked into buying the whole wave.....*shucks*