This may come as a senseless rant to some but I feel like saying my piece on the subject. You may abandon reading this article of mine if you wish to do so but for those who are intrigued enough may stay on a bit longer for my quick rant.
I came across several writings already for the past couple of months which touched on the subject of 'blogging'. Yup, you read it right. The art of blogging which is slowly dying a natural death in the wake of many other social media i.e. facebook, twitter, instagram and such. I must admit, I have also been sucked into the worlds of IGs and FBs as of late thanks to my better half's persistence that I keep up with the modern world. So where exactly am I going with all of these you ask? Well, I've taken the liberty to break my arguments/opinion into these 3 points for easy digestion below:
1) I used to have heaps of comments and active participation in this blog - yup, that's right. Not long ago I used to dedicate a fair share of time responding to the many comments and queries posted at the very end of each blog posts. These days I'd be lucky if there are even one comment for each post. You see, based on the view statistics, I can say that there were definitely people who dropped by to read my posts (one of my recent posts even garnered close to 200 views) but the comments weren't there anymore.
2) Facebook, twitter & instagram are the shiznit right now - without any doubt, people are simply spending more time on the newer social media and spending less time discussing their opinion on personal blogs these days. I totally understand this as I am also as guilty as most. FB and IG allows you to have active participation with hundreds/thousands others as opposed to being on one blog at a time.
3) Do blogs ultimately allow you to have complete creative control over your contents? - True. Blog pages allow you to have (almost) total control over your layouts, designs and contents but are all those worth it as opposed to getting instant reach to hundreds/thousands (millions perhaps?) over at FB/twitter/IG? This is probably THE one thing that keeps most blogger still pushing on with their blogs but I may be wrong here.
I doubt that I'd get active responses (worse still, ANY response at all) here on the subject. But for those who are kind enough to read this, do pray tell, what do you feel about the future of blogging? Would blogs be eventually phased out completely one day and surrender to the might of the more modern social media?
I'm not a big social media user (I don't do Twitter or Instagram and only have a limited Facebook presence) simply because it seems very shallow. I don't mean that as a moral judgment but simply in terms of what you're able to do. With a blog or website, someone can post a lengthy article and images, link to it in the future, easily search for it, and create something worthwhile. Typical social media posts are like window shopping: You see something you like, make a comment or give it a like, and move on.
Yeah, end of the day I guess blog posts last longer and they tend to be 'retrieved' from the archives when they are needed. Thanks for your thoughts man...
Yeah, end of the day I guess blog posts last longer and they tend to be 'retrieved' from the archives when they are needed. Thanks for your thoughts man...