Some time back there was this super-cool league of extraordinary bloggers headed by the equally cool Brian from the Cool and Collected page. The league went on an indefinite hiatus so I was obviously surprised when Brian announced its return albeit a slightly different name. I like the more simplistic name now (doesn't roll off the tongue! hahah...).
Anyway. I'm kinda late with my posting. The assignment was given about a week ago. But I guess better late than never eh?
The first official assignment for the PCL is to snap a picture (or pictures) of your favorite toy shelf/shelves. This is something I can really do right now since my man cave is currently under yet another round of re-arranging exercise. I have a shelf or two that is untouched so those are the ones I'm gonna show right now. I love all of my toy shelves but sadly these are the two I can proudly show off right now...haha.
This is where (most of) my Marvel Legends end up being displayed. Many more are still lingering around my work table...waiting to be slotted somewhere inside the already congested ML shelves here. Pardon the Hellboy and The Walking Dead figures at the bottom right...they're due to be moved somewhere else after this.,...heheh.
This is my The Force Awakens shelf. I think I may have several more unopened 3.75" action figures of the movie somewhere. But until I have time to free them from their plastic cells these would be my current view of my TFA shelf.
Check out the rest of the entries from other bloggers HERE.
Check out the rest of the entries from other bloggers HERE.
I am joining you in this #shelfie at