Fan Fiction Friday: Luke's Dream

Those who knew me would probably know that I've been dabbling in fan fiction short stories since forever. You see, I had this dream of becoming the next Stephen King or Kevin J. Andersen since I was a wee lad but somehow along the way I got distracted by other things in life. My better half even bought me an electronic typewriter sometime in the early 2000s but let's just not go there. 

I intended to have a new segment here on my blog called 'Fan Fiction Friday' and publish my original short stories which I've written over the years. Why 'Friday' you might ask? Easy, it's because I like to end each (working) week by posting at least one short story on my blog...and also, it really has a nice ring to it.....'FAN-FICTION-FRIDAY'.

And yes, I know it's not even Friday today but ya know, good things can't wait, so yeah.
I'd like to start with the ones I did for a good ol' buddy of mine to accompany his awesome Instagram action figure photography shots. His IG handle is called emosimata and I recommend you guys to check his page HERE for many more cool action figure shots from him.

Here is one of the picture composed by my good buddy to which I've written a story to. Upon first glance I seriously thought that this was taken off some Ralph McQuarrie sketch/painting book:

You can view this shot as it originally appeared on emosimata's IG page HERE.

So without any further ado, here's a piece I wrote to accompany the picture above. Hope you guys dig it. Please leave any comments if you have the time to do so, be it positive or negative feedback, I'd love to hear from you guys.

Tatooine was burning under the hot afternoon sun as always when Luke and Ben made their way on a beaten up landspeeder through the unsuspecting crowd of desert denizens. They head towards the center of Mos Eisley where an informant has promised Luke a piece of information and several data tapes on the supposed whereabouts of remaining Jedi throughout the Outer Rim.

"Our victory on the Death Star means nothing Luke. There's more work to be done and for you....I need to tell you something today. Let's just wait after we see this informant of yours", said Ben to Luke as they make haste to their rendezvous point with the mysterious deep throat.

Luke can only guess what Ben will be revealing to him by the end of the day. Ben has been dropping hints for weeks that he will tell Luke a life changing information that he hoped will further spur Luke's desire to devote his life to the learning of the Force.

After a while they reached the point where they wanted to be.

It was all too quiet at the rendesvouz point. Not a single soul in sight. The eerie silence made Luke very unconfortable and he can already see Ben reaching out for his lightsaber hilt. Two seconds were all it took for the both of them to realize that an ambush was looming.

And then out of nowhere they jumped out of the shadows and into Luke and Ben's path.

"Sand people. Why does it have to be Sand people?", Luke spoke in his low voice but inaudible to Ben who was already slashing down his second Tusken terrorist. Luke soon joined Ben to take all of their Tusken attackers to the ground. After less than five minutes, it was all over.

Ben gazed over at Luke and started mumbling something incoherent. Luke wasn't able to make out the words but Ben just kept on going.

"Ben, I can't hear you! Ben!", cried Luke

Luke watched as Ben began to swirl and disappear into thin air. 

***And as a special bonus, here's a continuation to the short story above to which my buddy emosimata had to regretfully omit from his post because of the unfortunate word limit on IG....enjoy!
Sweat was pouring profusely from Luke's forehead. He had been forcefully awaken from his dream abruptly before he could hear old Ben's revelation again. The dream seemed to be replaying itself again and again every night but never reached that climactic ending that Luke had yearned to see very badly. 

In his dream Ben Kenobi didn't perish at Vader's hands because he had escaped together with Luke and the rescued princess on Han's old hunk of junk. It was in fact Luke who had shut down the tractor beam that had entraped the 'Falcon on the Death Star.

Ben was trying to tell him something but it was obvious that the netherworld didn't allow him to see what it was. At least not now. It will be something that he himself will have to discover on his own. A life changing revelation that's for sure.

The air in his private quarters was cool as it has always been in all of the time he was here on Hoth. Luke closed his eyes and hoped to be transported back into the dream but he knows that he will only be back the next night. He looks forward to the end of each day so that he could be back to sleep and meet Ben Kenobi again. He needs to know what Ben was trying to tell him. In time he will but Luke can only hope.
