As teased by by the teaser trailer at the end of Episode 1 last week, the main focus of this week's episode was on the Whisperers, specifically on the backstory of Alpha, Lydia and how they met Beta.
Everybody loves backstory. It helps us to understand the logic and persona of the characters we don't know much about. I'm not sure if Alpha's history was indeed explored in Rob Kirkman's comics but it was a welcoming episode indeed because I was getting preet-ty tired of the sole focus given to the survivors.
The plot seemed to be on Alpha herself and the sisters from the Whisperers. I'm not gonna go deep into what happened but at the end of the episode, both cases revealed that even the toughest human beings can have their weak moments getting the best out of them. I actually want more of these episodes rather than balls out fight scenes between the surviving humans.
The past few episodes seem to be connected and happening at the same time because all of them ended when that satellite entered the atmosphere and crashed landed near the 'border' set by the Whisperers.
Again, I have to stress out my disbelief of the survivors from Alexandria/Hiltop/Oceanside's fear of the Whisperers when they've survived even more gruesome villainy in the form of the Governor and even Negan himself.
Can't wait to get back to Alexandria and see how Negan fits right back into the team. I AM NEGAN!