There's this popular theory on the net right now saying that Rey might be the daughter of both Luke Skywalker and a yet-to-be-named daughter of Palpatine. I'm pretty confused myself because apparently a reddit user seemed to be claiming that the information is an actual leak from the production team hence everyone should be falling off their seats right about now upon hearing this.
It may or may not be true. Knowing Disney, if the leak does prove to be true then I guess a major re-shoot will probably be in the works soon over at Lucasfilm. There is no absolute way Disney's gonna allow such a major plot reveal (if indeed proven true) to linger around a mere couple of months prior to the film's release.
The chance of this being true at this point is unlikely although it did got me thinking if it were. Hear me out...
Anakin Skywalker was recently exposed in a Star Wars comic as being the 'son' of Sheev Palpatine as he was conceived through some sort of 'Force-insemination' (I said 'Force' ....NOT forced...LOL). The unknowingly Shmi Skywalker then proceeded to tell Qui Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace that Anakin didn't have any father which was the basis of all Star Wars' fans obsession towards Darth Vader's backstory.
Bear in mind that there is no further information given as of how this 'daughter' was conceived i.e. be it Force insemination or via cloning or via the old fashion way. Nevertheless this also means that this supposedly 'daughter of Palpatine' is the sibling of Anakin Skywalker. So technically, according to this reddit guy theory...
Luke Skywalker married his own aunt.
Luke Skywalker married his own aunt.
Let's not go there shall we? Let's just wait for the movie and find out ourselves.